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  1. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and international language standards explained by the experts at Cambridge English.

  2. Si necesitas demostrar tu nivel de inglés para estudiar, vivir o trabajar en el extranjero, te podemos ayudar a prepararte para el examen IELTS o los exámenes de Cambridge. Existen 6 niveles: A0: Principiante; A1-A2: Básico; A2-B1: Pre-intermedio; B1: Intermedio; B2: Intermedio-Alto; C1-C2: Avanzado

  3. The Cambridge English Scale covers a wide range of language proficiency and is aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). In all exams, other than Cambridge English: Key and Key for Schools candidates receive a Cambridge English Scale score for each skill – Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.