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  1. Los sentimientos de Amy por Sonic han demostrado ser una de sus fuerzas propias. Al aprovecharlos, Amy puede lograr hazañas sorprendentes. Las ondas de choque que es capaz de realizar con su martillo Piko PIko de vez en cuando se logran concentrando su pasión en el martillo.

    • Italiano

      Sviluppo e creazione. L'aspetto iniziale di Amy. Amy Rose è...

    • Amy Rose/Galería

      Amy en Sonic Boom. Categorías Categorías: Galería; Idiomas...

    • Historia

      Para otros términos con el mismo nombre, véase Amy Rose...

    • Naoto Ōshima

      Naoto Ōshima ( 大岛直人 Ōshima Naoto ?) es un ciudadano japonés...

    • Overview
    • Concept and creation
    • Appearance
    • Personality
    • Powers and abilities
    • Weaknesses
    • Relationships
    • Notes
    • References

    — Amy Rose,

    Amy Rose (エミー・ローズ, Emī Rōzu?) is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. She is an anthropomorphic hedgehog with a crush on Sonic the Hedgehog. Since meeting Sonic on Little Planet, Amy has declared herself his girlfriend and has attempted to win his heart by any means in many of their adventures. She wields the Piko Piko Hammer, which she uses with skills second to none and never leaves home without.

    Amy Rose was created in response to a request from the character division of Sega's licensing business, who wanted a character that could be the "Minnie" to Sonic's "Mickey". However, it was felt at the time that it would 'go against Sonic's personality' for him to be locked into a standard cartoon relationship like Mickey and Minnie. Instead, it was decided that a one-way relationship, where Amy's affection for Sonic is unrequited, would be more interesting.

    Naoto Ohshima created the original character design, which was then finalized by Kazuyuki Hoshino. According to Hoshino, there were many voices involved in the creation of the character, including staff members from various departments and editors of the then-upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog manga series. Amy's hairband and trainers reflect Naoto Ohshima's taste, while her mannerisms reflect the kind of traits Kazuyuki Hoshino looked for in women at the time.

    Although Amy was originally created as a character for the video game series, she first appeared in the Sonic the Hedgehog manga and The Adventures of SONIC the Hedgehog series, both published by Shogakukan. The series began in the April 1992 issues[note 1] of Shogaku Ninensei, Shogaku Sannensei, Shogaku Yonensei, Shogaku Gonensei and Shogaku Rokunensei. The manga series would later feature in Shogaku Ichinensei and Bessatsu CoroCoro Comic Special.

    The manga series had various writers and artists, working from a story concept created by Kenji Terada, who wrote the illustrated stories in Shogaku Yonensei. In these series, Amy is the girlfriend of Nicky, a nerdy young male hedgehog with the power to transform into the superhero, Sonic the Hedgehog. Amy is also the target of the bully Anton Veruca. In the stories illustrated by Sango Morimoto, she had a very different design - most notably, she was brown rather than pink and her spines were styled into a ponytail. She is simply known as Amy throughout most of the series, with her surname "Rose" not being mentioned until later issues of Bessatsu CoroCoro Comic Special, released after the Sonic the Hedgehog CD video game.

    Amy Rose made her video game debut in 1993's Sonic the Hedgehog CD, as a non-playable character. In this game, she is an 8-year-old hedgehog girl kidnapped by the new antagonist, Metal Sonic. In the Japanese release, she was primarily known by her nickname Rosy the Rascal, although it is still stated that her real name is "Amy Rose". In the U.S. manual of Sonic CD, Amy is referred to as Princess Sally, likely to connect her with a character who appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog TV series released in 1993. She later appeared as a playable character in several ensemble spin-off games such as Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic the Fighters and Sonic R. She rarely appeared in contemporaneous TV series and books, although she was included in many of the comic series at the time.

    When Sonic Team reunited and started work on their three-dimensional follow-up to the classic Sonic games, Sonic Adventure, it was decided they would give her a starring role in the game. Like the rest of the returning cast, Amy was given an updated design by Yuji Uekawa. While Sonic, Tails and Knuckles all received minor design changes, Amy's clothing and hairstyle were completely revamped. She also had her entire figure redesigned to make her appear older. In addition to her redesign, her official age was changed from 8 to 12.

    Amy is a pink-furred anthropomorphic hedgehog with bright green eyes and peach skin covering her muzzle, inner ears and arms. She has a small black nose, triangular ears on top of her head, and no back spines. She also has two medium-length eyelashes on each side of her eyes. Additionally, her five short head quills point downwards, somewhat resembling a bob cut. She also has three spikes for bangs on her head and a short pointy tail.

    For attire, Amy wears a red sleeveless and backless dress with two white trims and a white petticoat underneath, tall red boots with a white stripe down the center, white cuffs and gray soles with chunky heels, a red hairband, and white wrist-length gloves with gold bracelets for cuffs.

    When she was younger, Amy's five head quills were longer and pointed backward, and she had a single back spine, her eyes were black. For attire, Amy wears an orange-ruffled or pleated skirt, a green puffy-sleeved shirt with a white collar and cuff bands, white and lavender sneakers with orange shoelaces, white wrist-length gloves, and a red ribbon headband.

    At one point in her young lifestyle, she wears a red dress, gold bracelets and red boots similar to what she would normally wearing.

    On special occasions, Amy has worn different outfits:

    •For Extreme Gear competitions, Amy wears a white and rose dress-like tank top; rose sweatpants with a white stripe on each side; white wrist-length gloves with visible seams, along with red wristbands with a single yellow stripe in the middle; and red sport shoes with white stripes, white shoelaces caught on yellow triangular-hooked eyelets, and gray soles. She also retains her standard hairband.

    Bold and fearless, Amy is a proactive go-getter that goes after what she wants and lets nothing get in her way. As early as the first Little Planet incident, Amy was shown to possess a proactive streak. When she had just her tarot cards to go by back then, she made her way to Little Planet when her tarot cards told her that she had a "destined encounter" on the small satellite. Likewise, she is an intuitive activist, which usually means she acts before thinking things through.

    Amy is described as an "energetic tomboy", though by the time of the Chaos incident, she is shown to have traditional feminine interests nonetheless, such as shopping and fashion. Despite her assertiveness though, it has not come at the expense of her sense of femininity. Amy also hates boredom and loves thrills and excitement; during her time in Station Square, she found her mundane city life dull and longed for the exhilaration of being a part of Sonic's adventures.

    Amy is very open and expressive about her feelings and emotions, always speaking her mind and never letting her feelings get bottled up inside. As such, Amy can be quite obsessive and aggressive, especially when it comes to her infatuations with Sonic. When angered, she has a habit of pulling out and threatening others with her Piko Piko Hammer, especially when anyone crosses her or hurts people she cares about. Amy has been shown as well to have no reservations about expressing more extreme emotions, be it either crying when overcome with sadness or not holding back in expressing her over-the-top enthusiasm. As a result, Amy can come off as overbearing and very pushy. Possessing a powerful personality, her assertiveness and temper make her something of a troublemaker. All the same, she has shown to not tolerate people hurting those she cares about and will retaliate with anger when witnessing such acts. As such, her enthusiasm tends to get her as much in trouble as it helps out others.

    Originally, Amy was barely able to take care of herself when in dangerous situations. As such, she was ultimately a damsel-in-distress figure who needed Sonic to save her. Recognizing this, she eventually started chasing after her hero, and gradually "grew" into a tenacious and more proactive girl, who is as active and strong as Sonic.

    During the Emerl incident, she developed a fascination with "boxercise" playing to both elements of her personality. The exercise helped her lose weight to maintain her girlish figure, and the boxing helped her train when she is forced to fight. She also had shown a very powerful and aggressive attitude, willing to fight whenever necessary to help and protect those she cares about.

    Amy has a kind heart and never gives up, having a strong belief in fate and destiny. Her faith in her tarot cards led her to the fated encounter that brought Sonic into her life, and, during the Emerl incident, she showed such faith in her tarot cards that she insisted that Sonic would be at Tails' place on their reading outcome alone. Amy regularly talks about the power of love and true love and strongly believes in the merit of dreams and wishes.

    Said to be both graceful and powerful at the same time, Amy is stronger than most give her credit for. Notably, it has been said that her activity can put even men to shame. With her tools and skills by her side, she is a formidable foe and a valuable member of Sonic's team who can go up against powerful robots, like E-100 ZERO, on her own. Thanks to her occasional training, she is growing progressively stronger as well. However, she is still no match for highly trained individuals like Rouge.

    While not superhuman, Amy possesses above-average physical attributes. She has high physical strength, enough to let her carry her extra heavy, tremor-inducing Piko Piko Hammer around with no effort, send opponents flying with a single swing of her Piko Piko Hammer, or propel herself upward by hammering into the ground. On top of that, she once slapped Knuckles with enough force to send him flying into a tree without even trying. Amy also has excellent running skills that stem from all the time she has spent chasing after Sonic. While her top speed is not clear, she is at least able to move at super speeds, being fast enough to create after-images of herself, scale vertical surfaces and ceilings, and keep up with Sonic's mundane running speed. However, she has admitted that she is not as fast as Sonic. Amy likewise has impressive durability, being able to go through atmospheric re-entry and then land on the ground unharmed. She also has sharp reflexes, agility, and acrobatic skills, enough to let her do special tricks and movements while in mid-air, pull off various graceful maneuvers with her Piko Piko Hammer at high speed without it affecting her movements, and grind along rails with ease. In addition, thanks to her indomitable spirit and persistence, Amy has impressive stamina, being able to push herself to the absolute limit of her endurance before succumbing to exhaustion.

    Amy is highly proficient in wielding her trademark Piko Piko Hammer, having been stated to be second to none when in control of it. With it, she is capable of destructive blows that can smash through robot armor or perform enhanced leaps. Using her Piko Piko Hammer, Amy can even pull off incredible, physics-defying feats, such as sustaining temporary flight by spinning her Piko Piko Hammer around like a propeller, stirring up tornado effects by swinging her Piko Piko Hammer around, execute mid-air jumps by setting off from hits in mid-air with her hammer, launch powerful shockwaves with a single swing, or create expanding domes of energy.

    Amy's feelings for Sonic have proven to be a force of their own. By harnessing them, Amy can pull off surprising feats. The shockwaves she is able to perform with her Piko Piko Hammer from time to time are achieved by focusing her passion into her hammer. She can even use thoughts about Sonic to heal herself. Her drive to catch Sonic is also so strong that it can influence her skills, allowing her to make high jumps and even double jumps.

    Amy is also able to perform the Spin Attack, a technique where she curls into a concussive ball or cutting disk and directs herself at her targets. With it, Amy can shred or burrow through just about any substance given enough speed. Adept in its usage, Amy can utilize several variants of the Spin Attack for both ground- and aerial maneuvers, including the Spin Dash, Spin Jump, and Homing Attack.

    Even without her Spin Attack, Amy is a tough fighter, though her combat skills are not as developed as those of Sonic, Knuckles, or Tails. Despite this, Amy can be a fierce opponent in a confrontation, especially when her temper flares up. She also has undergone limited hand-to-hand combat training, having learned kickboxing and boxercise while on a diet. While these martial arts are more reminiscing of exercises, Amy knows how to defend herself using those exercises, allowing her to use quick jabs, straight punches and uppercuts in combat. However, Amy's primary fighting style focuses heavily on her Piko Piko Hammer. In battle, she uses her hammer's size and durability to her advantage, using it either to crush foes with devastating force by bringing it down on them, sending opponents flying into the air with an upward swing or extend her attack range. For more offensive moves, Amy can twirl around with her Piko Piko Hammer, thereby turning herself into a spinning top that mows down everything caught in her attack radius, though such maneuvers can leave her dizzy.

    Amy's eagerness and enthusiasm are so strong they often get the best of her.

    Sonic the Hedgehog

    — Amy Rose, Sonic Colors (Nintendo DS) Sonic the Hedgehog is one of Amy's best friends. During the Little Planet incident, she went to Little Planet after having a tarot card reading that predicted a "destined" encounter with him. Upon seeing Sonic for the first time in Palmtree Panic, she fell in love with him instantly, even attempting to hug him in Palmtree Panic, and following him to Collision Chaos, despite Sonic not sharing the same feelings for her. However, when Amy was kidnapped by Metal Sonic, Sonic attempted to rescue her, eventually doing so, after which Amy hugged him as thanks. Amy looks up to Sonic and identifies herself as Sonic's "self-proclaimed girlfriend" despite Sonic sometimes appearing annoyed by her affections. During the Chaos incident, bored of her mundane city life, Amy resolved to become more independent to win over Sonic's heart and be a part of his adventures by the end of her tale, feeling she was something of a burden to him due to needing to be rescued time and time again. By the end of it, Amy even proclaimed she will be a greater hero than him one day and will get him to respect her. Even though he seems nervous and occasionally overwhelmed by her advances, Sonic at least considers Amy a good friend and worthy comrade and is always there to help her out should the need arise. Sonic's emotional neglect, for the most part, does not seem to hurt or deter Amy, as she believes he is merely hiding his feelings behind a facade, which has occasionally been implied to be the case. During the Space Colony ARK incident, Amy goes to Prison Island on her own to free him. However, after he ran away upon being liberated, she commented on how he can be a "brat" sometimes in response to him leaving her behind. During the same incident, she also defended Sonic and believed him to be innocent. While Amy loves Sonic, she has shown on more than one occasion that she is not afraid to disagree with him if he does something she does not approve of. For example, during the Chaos incident, she stopped him from destroying Gamma, telling him that Gamma was her friend and he is not evil. As of the Neo Metal Sonic incident, Amy had become significantly more aggressive and short-sighted about her infatuation and desire to prove herself to Sonic, win his heart, and prove herself as a hero. She challenged him, believing him to have kidnapped Froggy and Chocola, and fought against him to impress him. Her hard-headedness and stubbornness proved to be her downfall however, not listening to Sonic when he said that he did not know what she was talking about, leading to him pretending to be defeated so he can run away. She later got furious when she realized that Neo Metal Sonic was responsible for framing him, blaming him for the misunderstanding between her and Sonic earlier in the adventure and cheering for Sonic to beat him. During the Emerl incident, Amy becomes enamored with "boxercise" as part of her arduous physical training to impress Sonic with her adamant dedication, which somewhat worked, but also worried him. At one point, she asked Tails about Emerl, to which the fox explained that Emerl is like a child to Sonic. Amy took this literally and thought that Sonic wanted her to be Emerl's mother. Amy then took Emerl away and told him to call her his mother, thus making Emerl believe that Amy was actually his mother figure. Throughout the same incident, she also tried hard to protect Emerl after losing him to Rouge. In the end, Amy tried to get Sonic to propose to her, but he promptly shivered at the thought and bailed. During the Solaris incident, Amy decided to help Silver, unaware that he was tricked into believing that he had to kill Sonic to save his future. Upon finding out about this, she immediately turned on him, saying that she refused to believe Sonic would ever cause the destruction of the world. After discovering that Sonic was killed, she kneeled down and cried into her hands. She later shed a tear when Sonic was brought back to life. During Dodon Pa's Grand Prix, Amy rarely showed any romantic affection for him, while Sonic joins her in a picnic with Big and Omochao. Early on during the War to Take Back the Planet, Amy showed great concern about Sonic and missed him, having stated that she had recurring dreams where Sonic was still with them, which made her hold out hope that he might still be alive. When Rouge revealed to them that Eggman merely took Sonic captive and was keeping him onboard the Death Egg, she was shown to be highly relieved expressing contentment at her intuitions being true. She was later shown to be the happiest of all Resistance members (alongside Knuckles and later Tails) when she heard Sonic's voice on Knuckles' communicator while contacting the Avatar. A more mutually caring and affecitonate side of Sonic and Amy's relationship was seen during the Starfall Islands incident, likely sparked by concern over Amy being partially trapped in Cyber Space. While exploring Kronos Island, Sonic often went out of his way to help Amy care for the Koco inhabiting the island and reassure her that he would find a way to get her out of Cyber Space. When the two witnessed a flashback of a pair of Koco lovers they had helped reunite as Ancients just before their deaths, Sonic gently gave Amy time alone to mourn and checked in on her later. Amy confessed to Sonic that she believed in the power of everlasting love but that they would need to go their separate ways for a while so she could share it with more people, and Sonic replied that he believed in her and couldn't wait to hear all about her travels. After Sonic briefly succumbed to his cyber corruption, Amy sacrificed her physical form to save him alongside Tails and Knuckles, telling him that he had that kind of love in him as well. When Sonic returned from fighting The End in either ending, Amy immediately rushed up and hugged him, and he hugged her back for the first time while greeting Tails and Knuckles. However, the Starfall Islands incident also contains hints that Sonic may have begun reciprocating Amy's feelings to some degree as their friendship grew. In archived dialogue from Sonic Frontiers, Sonic daydreamed about sharing an umbrella with Amy and lamented that he should have "made up his mind sooner" about her. While he has never admitted to his feelings otherwise, the possibility of Sonic liking Amy back was implied further during her birthday party, at which Sonic bought Amy a cake with hearts on it and called her "radiant" while wishing her happy birthday.

    Cream the Rabbit

    In earlier appearances, Cream the Rabbit and Amy shared a sister-like relationship, comparable to Sonic and Tails' brother-like friendship. This fact is strengthened by the Gemerl incident, as when they are paired together, they are given the title "Team Jubilee" and serve as a female counterpart to Sonic and Tails' "Unbreakable Bond." When Amy learns Cream's missing Chao Chocola is supposedly in the possession of Sonic the Hedgehog according to her clue, she insists on helping her find him and reunite him with his brother Cheese. Amy supports and encourages Cream when the latter gets scared and loses her resolve, helping her to continue their quest and to not lose hope. When Team Rose successfully gets Chocola back, her Chao cheer Amy's name in appreciation. Cream alerts Amy that Sonic is nearby, with Amy giving chase quickly afterward. The two are portrayed as best friends and also seem to frequent together almost completely throughout the Emerl incident, except when Emerl drags one of them away. Amy is also seen searching for Cream within the Cryptic Castle during the Black Arms invasion, which further suggests how much she cares for her. Cream will sometimes make innocent comments poking fun or putting into question Amy's fixation with Sonic. In Sonic Heroes. this gets Amy to glare at her and Sonic Rush, when she pulls out her hammer, Cream saying "Not again!" in reaction. In some games, Cream is Amy's equivalent of Tails to Sonic, often helping Amy out or trying to get her out of bad situations like Amy's compulsion to push herself too far especially when aroused to anger.

    Big the Cat

    Big the Cat acts as an older brother figure to Amy and is most likely her other best friend. They form Team Rose and fight together during the Neo Metal Sonic incident. Amy regularly encourages Big and helps lift his spirits when he loses hope in finding Froggy. As a result, Big develops a very protective disposition toward her and Cream, saying to himself he needs to toughen up in order to protect them. He shows hostility towards Team Chaotix because he believes them to be bullying her and Cream.

    1.Since the cover date was one month after of the publication date, these issues were written in March 1992.

    1.Naoto Ohshima (@NaotoOhshima) on Twitter. Twitter (10 April 2017). Archived from the original on 17 March 2019. "Ash the Dragon: so which ones were created by you? / Naoto Ohshima: Sonic 1 character. Amy et al."

    2.Naoto Ohshima (@NaotoOhshima) on Twitter. Twitter. Archived from the original on 10 February 2019. Retrieved on 10 February 2019. "Naoto Ohshima: An image of Retro Amy's decision was found. Mr. Hoshino painted the picture. Retro Amy's design finish was Mr. Hoshino."

    3.Naoto Ohshima (@NaotoOhshima) on Twitter. Twitter. Archived from the original on 10 February 2019. Retrieved on 10 February 2019. "Naoto Ohshima: This picture is me, but Amy's finish design is Hoshino."

    4.Sonic Channel (Japanese). Characters: Amy Rose. Sega. Archived from the original on 26 May 2019. Retrieved on 3 July 2014.

    5.Sonic the Hedgehog CD (Mega-CD) Japanese instruction booklet, pg. 6.

    6.Devra Newberger Speregen (2016). Sonic: The Ultimate Character Guide. Scholastic. p. 19. ISBN 978-1338033243.

  2. Amy Rose is a main character in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. She is Sonic's self-proclaimed love interest. Amy's first official design had her in a sleeveless red dress held on by a white-trimmed halter strap with matching trim on the skirt, and red go-go boots with a white stripe from the top...

  3. Get ready to follow the evolution of one of the most iconic and beloved characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, as we explore the journey of Amy Rose...

    • 31 min
    • 242.9K
    • Andrew Louis
  4. Amy Rose es una eriza rosa que ha perseguido a Sonic de un amor obsesivo y muy profundo desde que la salvó de Metal Sonic en Sonic CD y ha estado tratando de ganar su corazón, por cualquier medio, incluyendo impresionarlo con la lucha contra los robots, y en tono de broma le amenaza de mantenerlo….

  5. Amy Rose was the alias Lisa Ortiz (Amy's Sonic X voice actress) was credited as for her voice role of March and Salsa from the game Eternal Sonata. With the release of "Episode Metal", Amy is the only major character from the Classic games who is still around and who has yet to get her own game.

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