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  1. Jovan Oliver Grčinić (en serbio: Јован Оливер Грчинић, aprox. 1310-1356) fue un magnate del emperador serbio Esteban Uroš IV Dušan, teniendo los títulos de sebastocrátor y déspota, y el rango de «gran voivoda», mostrando su importancia y su estatus como uno de los nobles más importantes de Dušan.

  2. › wiki › Jovan_OliverJovan Oliver - Wikipedia

    Jovan Oliver Grčinić (Serbian: Јован Оливер Грчинић; ca. 1310–1356) was a magnate of the Serbian Emperor Dušan the Mighty (r. 1331–1355), holding the titles of sebastokrator and despotes, and the rank of "great voivode", showing his prominence and status as one of the most important nobles of Dušan.

  3. Under Emperor Dušan, despot Jovan Oliver, with his brother Bogdan and sevastokrator Dejan, ruled over all of eastern Macedonia. He is not mentioned much in Dušan's military endeavors, although the reputation of him and his successors suggest that he was involved in most of Dušan's successes.

  4. Along with Stephen Dušan's half-brother, Simeon Uroš, and Jovan Oliver, John was one of three people to bear that title under Stephen Dušan. John was installed as ruler of Valona in late 1345, in the wake of the Serbian conquest of south Albania from the Byzantine Empire, which was concluded no later than August 1345.

  5. Јован Оливер (рођен око 1310. године, умро после 1356. године) био је српски велможа који је у доба Стефанa Душана ( краљ 1331 — 1345, цар 1346 — 1355) владао областима око Овчег Поља и уз леву обалу Вардара (данас Северна Македонија) са титулама великог војводе, севастократора и од проглашења Српског царства деспота.

  6. Under Emperor Dušan, despot Jovan Oliver, with his brother Bogdan and sevastokrator Dejan, ruled over all of eastern Macedonia. Dejan is not mentioned much in Dušan's military endeavors, although his reputation and that of his successors suggest that he was involved in most of Dušan's successes.

  7. Jovan Oliver Grčinić (Serbian language: Јован Оливер Грчинић; ca. 1310-1356) was a magnate of the Serbian Emperor Dušan the Mighty (r. 1331-1355), holding the titles of sebastokrator and despotes, and the rank of "great voivode ", showing his prominence and status as one of the most important nobles of Dušan.