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  1. The Benedictine Pannonhalma Archabbey or Territorial Abbey of Saint Martin on Mount Pannonhalma (lat. Archiabbatia or Abbatia Territorialis Sancti Martini in Monte Pannoniae) is a medieval building in Pannonhalma and is one of the oldest historical monuments in Hungary.

  2. La abadía de Pannonhalma es una abadía de Hungría (construida en el 996), declarada como un sitio del Patrimonio de la Humanidad.

  3. › wiki › PannonhalmaPannonhalma - Wikipedia

    Pannonhalma ( German: Martinsberg; Slovak: Rábsky Svätý Martin) is a town in Győr-Moson-Sopron County, western Hungary, with approximately 4,000 inhabitants. It is about 20 km (12 mi) from Győr. Archduke Otto Habsburg 's heart is kept at the Pannonhalma Archabbey, while his body was laid at the Capuchin Crypt in the old Imperial capital of Vienna .

  4. The monastery of the Benedictine Order at Pannonhalma, founded in 996 and gently dominating the Pannonian landscape in western Hungary, had a major role in the diffusion of Christianity in medieval Central Europe.

  5. La abadía territorial de Pannonhalma (en latín: Abbatia Territorialis S. Martini in Monte Pannoniae y en húngaro: Pannonhalmi területi apátság) es una circunscripción eclesiástica de la Iglesia católica en Hungría. Se trata de una abadía territorial latina inmediatamente sujeta a la Santa Sede.

  6. The Benedictine Pannonhalma Archabbey or Territorial Abbey of Saint Martin on Mount Pannonhalma (lat. Archiabbatia or Abbatia Territorialis Sancti Martini in Monte Pannoniae) is a medieval building in Pannonhalma and is one of the oldest historical monuments in Hungary.

  7. PANNONHALMA, ABBEY OF. Archabbey and center of the Hungarian benedictines (M á rtonhegy, Martinsberg, Mons sacer Pannoniae). The foundation, near Gy ö r (Raab), was initiated by Duke G é za in 996 and completed in 1101 under King St. stephen by monks from Brevnov in Bohemia.