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  1. Es un Estado unitario con 16 subdivisiones o regiones administrativas denominadas voivodatos . Su territorio tiene una extensión de 312 696 km² 3 4 y una población de 38,20 millones de personas, por lo que es el quinto país más poblado de la UE.

  2. › wiki › PolandPoland - Wikipedia

    Poland is a unitary parliamentary republic, with its bicameral legislature comprising the Sejm and the Senate. The country is considered a middle power, with a developed market and high-income economy that is the sixth largest in the EU by nominal GDP and the fifth largest by GDP (PPP).

  3. Polonia (en polaco Polska; oficialmente, República Polaca o República de Polonia, en polaco Rzeczpospolita Polska) es un país ubicado en Europa Central que forma parte de la Unión Europea (UE) y la OTAN. Limita con Alemania, República Checa, Eslovaquia, Ucrania, Bielorrusia, Lituania y el óblast ruso de Kaliningrado .

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    Early history

    The first sign of humans in Polish lands was 500,000 years ago. The Bronze Age started around 2400-2300 BC. The Iron Age started around 750-700 BC. At that time the Polish lands were under the influence of the Lusatian culture. About 400 BC Celtic and Germanic tribes lived there. Those people had trade contacts with the Roman Empire. Over time, Slavs came to Polish lands. Some of those Slavs, now commonly referred to as Western Slavs (though in reality a diverse group of tribes with shared et...

    Piast and Jagiellon dynasties

    Poland began to form a country around the middle of the 10th century in the Piast dynasty. In 966, Prince Mieszko I became a Christian, and so the Polish people also became Christians. The next king was Bolesław I of Poland (called Bolesław the Brave). He conquered many lands and he became the first King of Poland. Casimir I of Poland changed the Polish capital from Gniezno to Kraków. In the 12th century, Poland broke into some smaller states after the death of King Bolesław III Wrymouth in 1...

    Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to Second Republic of Poland

    In the 17th century Sweden attacked almost all of Poland (this was called “the Deluge”). Many wars against the Ottoman Empire, Russia, Cossacks, Transylvania and Brandenburg-Prussia ended in 1699. For the next 80 years, the government and the nation were weak, making Poland dependent on Russia. Russian tsars took advantage of this by offering money to dishonest members of the Polish government, who would block new ideas and solutions. Russia, Prussia, and Austria broke Poland into three piece...

    Poland's territory is a plain reaching from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Carpathian Mountainsin the south. Within that plain, the land varies from east to west. The Polish Baltic coast is mostly smooth but has natural harbors in the Gdańsk-Gdynia region and Szczecin in the far northwest. This coast has several spits, dunes, and coastal lakes....

    Almost no Polish literature remains before Christianisation in the 10th century. Polish literature was written in the Latin language during the Middle Ages. The Polish language was accepted as equal to Latin after the Renaissancefor literature. Jan Kochanowski was a leading poet of European Renaissance literature in the 16th century. Other great Po...

    In the past, Poland was inhabited by people from different nations and of different religions (mainly Catholics, Orthodox and Judaism). This changed after 1939, because of the Nazi Holocaust which killed many Polish Jews. After World War II, the country was changed into a communist country, by the Warsaw Pact which included most central European co...

    Nicolaus Copernicus, an astronomer who showed that the Earth moves around the Sun.
    Maria Skłodowska-Curie discovered radium and polonium. - Polish national portal Archived 2008-10-29 at the Wayback Machine
    Poland at the World Factbook Archived 2019-08-18 at the Wayback Machine
  4. Polonia entre 966 y 1030. La historia de Polonia abarca tanto la historia del actual Estado de Polonia, como las pasadas entidades políticas y sociales de la región, hasta las antiguas poblaciones prehistóricas. Los pueblos eslavos pueblan este territorio desde hace 1500 años y la historia de Polonia como Estado abarca casi un ...

  5. Hace 1 día · Poland, a country of central Europe, is located at a geographic crossroads that links the forested lands of northwestern Europe and the sea lanes of the Atlantic Ocean to the fertile plains of the Eurasian frontier.

  6. La República de Polonia (en polaco: Rzeczpospolita Polska) es un estado de Europa central, a orillas del mar Báltico (norte) y que limita al este con Rusia ( óblast de Kaliningrado ), Lituania, Bielorrusia y Ucrania, al sur con Eslovaquia y la República Checa y al oeste con Alemania .