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  1. Irreligion in the United States. Religion in the United States by personal self-identification (2023 The Economist / YouGov survey) [1] In the United States, between 6% and 15% of citizens demonstrated nonreligious attitudes and naturalistic worldviews, namely atheists or agnostics. [2] [3] [4] [5] The number of self-identified ...

  2. Irreligión en Estados Unidos. El estudio de la irreligión engloba agnosticismo, ateísmo, deísmo, escepticismo, librepensamiento, humanismo secular, laicismo e incluso algunas formas de espiritualidades alternativas como el New Age.

    % No Religiosos
  3. Irreligion, the lack or rejection of religious beliefs or practices. Irreligion is a broad concept that encompasses many different positions and draws upon an array of philosophical and intellectual perspectives, including atheism, agnosticism, skepticism, rationalism, and secularism. These.

    • Stephen Eldridge
  4. La irreligión o no religión es la ausencia o el rechazo de la religión, o la indiferencia hacia ella. 1 Este término engloba nociones muy diversas: el ateísmo, el agnosticismo, el deísmo, no creyentes, el Ateísmo marxista-leninista, el humanismo secular y el librepensamiento.

  5. Religion in the United States is widespread, diverse, and vibrant, with the country being far more religious than other wealthy Western nations. An overwhelming majority of Americans believe in a higher power, engage in spiritual practices, and consider themselves religious or spiritual.