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  1. Ж, ж (cursiva: Ж, ж) es una letra del alfabeto cirílico. Representa la fricativa postalveolar sonora /ʒ/ , similar al sonido duro de la "Y" o 'Ll' de algunas variedades del español rioplatense. Aunque, en el español, suele confundirse la Ll por la Y , en otras lenguas, como el ruso, es importante pronunciar su sonido.

    • /ʒ/
    • U+0416, U+0436
  2. Zhe, Zha, sometimes transliterated as Že (Ж ж; italics: Ж ж) is a letter of the Cyrillic script. It commonly represents the voiced retroflex sibilant /ʐ/ or voiced alveolar fricative /ʒ/. It is also often used with D to approximate the sound in English of the Latin letter J with a ДЖ combination.

    • .mw-parser-output .script-Cyrs{font-family:"Ponomar Unicode","Ponomar Unicode TT","Acathist","Triodion Unicode","Menaion Unicode","Menaion Unicode TT","Shafarik","Fedorovsk Unicode","Fedorovsk Unicode TT","Monomakh Unicode","Monomakh Unicode TT","Vilnius",BukyVede,"Kliment Std","RomanCyrillic Std","Monomachus","Old Standard","Old Standard TT",Dilyana,Menaion,"Menaion Medieval",Lazov,Code2000,"DejaVu Sans","DejaVu Serif",Code2001,"FreeSerif","TITUS Cyberbit Basic","Charis SIL","Doulos SIL","Chrysanthi Unicode","Bitstream Cyberbit","Bitstream CyberBase",Thryomanes,"Lucida Grande","FreeSans","Arial Unicode MS","Microsoft Sans Serif","Lucida Sans Unicode"}.mw-parser-output .script-Glag{font-family:Shafarik,"Menaion Unicode TT","Menaion Unicode",Vikidemia,Bukyvede,FreeSerif,Ja,Unicode5,"TITUS Cyberbit Basic","Noto Sans Glagolitic","Segoe UI Historic","Segoe UI Symbol"}живѣтє
  3. Ꚛ. La Zhe con diéresis (Ӝ ӝ; cursiva: Ӝ ӝ) es una letra de la escritura cirílica. 1 Su forma se deriva de la letra zhe (Ж ж Ж ж ). Se usa solo en el alfabeto del idioma udmurto, 2 donde representa la africada postalveolar sonora /d͡ʒ/, al igual que la pronunciación de j en " j am". 3 Por lo general se romaniza como dž .

  4. Zhje o Zhe con descendiente (Җ җ; cursiva: Җ җ) es una letra de la escritura cirílica. Su forma se deriva de la letra zhe (Ж ж Ж ж) con una adición de un descendiente en su pierna derecha. El zhje se utiliza en los alfabetos de los idiomas dungan, 1 calmuco, 2 tártaro 3 y turcomano. 4 .

  5. There are only two true digraphs: дж for /d͡ʒ/ and дз for /d͡z/ (Belarusian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian). Sometimes these digraphs are even considered as special letters of their respective alphabets. In standard Russian, however, the letters in дж and дз are always pronounced separately.

  6. › wiki › ŽŽ - Wikipedia

    Ž. The grapheme Ž ( minuscule: ž) is formed from Latin Z with the addition of caron ( Czech: háček, Slovak: mäkčeň, Slovene: strešica, Serbo-Croatian: kvačica ). It is used in various contexts, usually denoting the voiced postalveolar fricative, the sound of English g in mirage, s in vision, or Portuguese and French j.

  7. Ze (Cyrillic) Ze, from Alexandre Benois ' 1904 alphabet book. Ze (З з; italics: З з) is a letter of the Cyrillic script . It commonly represents the voiced alveolar fricative /z/, like the pronunciation of z in " z ebra". Ze is romanized using the Latin letter z .