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  1. Los artrópodos ( Arthropoda, del griego ἄρθρον, árthron, «articulación» y πούς, poús, «pie») constituyen el filo más numeroso y diverso del reino animal ( Animalia ). El grupo incluye animales invertebrados dotados de un esqueleto externo y apéndices articulados; los insectos, arácnidos, crustáceos y miriápodos, entre otros.

  2. › wiki › ArthropodArthropod - Wikipedia

    Arthropoda is the largest animal phylum with the estimates of the number of arthropod species varying from 1,170,000 to 5 to 10 million and accounting for over 80 per cent of all known living animal species. One arthropod sub-group, the insects, includes more described species than any other taxonomic class.

  3. Portal de Artrópodos. Los artrópodos ( Arthropoda, del griego ἄρθρον, árthron, «articulación» y πούς, poús, «pie») constituyen el filo más numeroso y diverso del reino animal. Incluye animales invertebrados dotados de un esqueleto externo y apéndices articulados, lo que le da nombre al filo.

  4. 26 de mar. de 2024 · Arthropod, any member of the phylum Arthropoda, the largest phylum in the animal kingdom, which includes such familiar forms as lobsters, crabs, spiders, mites, insects, centipedes, and millipedes. About 84 percent of all known species of animals are members of this phylum. Learn more about arthropods in this article.

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  5. Arthropods ( Greek language for "joint-legged") are a large group of invertebrate animals. Insects, spiders, crabs, shrimp, millipedes, and centipedes are all arthropods. In the scientific classification, all arthropods are members of the phylum Arthropoda. Arthropods have segmented body, an exoskeleton and legs with joints.

  6. Los artrópodos ( Arthropoda) son animales invertebrados con un exoesqueleto de quitina, cuerpos segmentados y patas articuladas. El filo Arthropoda contiene numerosos órdenes taxonómicos en más que 20 clases. Subfilo Hexapoda. Clase Insecta. Un par de Simosyrphus grandicornis hacen el coito mientras están volando.

  7. arthropod, Any member of the largest phylum, Arthropoda, in the animal kingdom. Arthropoda consists of more than one million known invertebrate species in four subphyla: Uniramia (five classes, including insects), Chelicerata (three classes, including arachnids and horseshoe crabs), Crustacea (crustaceans), and Trilobita (trilobites).