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  1. Historia. Palestina, cuna de civilizaciones y de religiones, encrucijada de caminos, es la Tierra Santa de cristianos, judíos y musulmanes. Históricamente ha sido una región de conflictos religiosos y territoriales que aún perduran de forma muy aguda en el llamado conflicto árabe-israelí .

  2. Palestine is a geographical region in West Asia. Situated in the Southern Levant, it is usually considered to include Israel and the State of Palestine, though some definitions also include parts of northwestern Jordan. Other historical names for the region include Canaan, the Promised Land, the Land of Israel, or the Holy Land.

  3. Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين, romanized: Filasṭīn), officially known as the State of Palestine (دولة فلسطين, Dawlat Filasṭīn), is a country in the Levant region of West Asia. It is officially recognized as a state by the United Nations and numerous countries.

  4. Strategically situated between three continents, the region of Palestine (also known as the Land of Israel and the Holy Land) has a tumultuous history as a crossroads for religion, culture, commerce, and politics.

  5. Referencias. Bibliografía. Enlaces externos. Historia de Palestina. Palestina en 1851. Palestina en 1864. Palestina, definida generalmente como una región geográfica en el sur del Levante entre el mar Mediterráneo y el río Jordán (donde Israel y Palestina están hoy), y varias tierras adyacentes.

  6. The population of the region of Palestine, which approximately corresponds to modern Israel and the Palestinian territories, has varied in both size and ethnic composition throughout the history of Palestine.