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  1. In solid mechanics, the Poynting effect is a Finite strain theory effect observed when an elastic cube is sheared between two plates and stress is developed in the direction normal to the sheared faces, or when a cylinder is subjected to torsion and the axial length changes.

  2. In electrodynamics, Poynting's theorem is a statement of conservation of energy for electromagnetic fields developed by British physicist John Henry Poynting. It states that in a given volume, the stored energy changes at a rate given by the work done on the charges within the volume, minus the rate at which energy leaves the volume.

  3. En electromagnetismo, el teorema de Poynting, desarrollado por John Henry Poynting y publicado en 1884, expresa la ley de conservación de la energía. Establece que la disminución de energía electromagnética en una región se debe a la disipación de potencia en forma de calor (por efecto Joule) y al flujo hacia el exterior del vector de Poynting.

  4. For the solar system, he was the first to propose the effect now known as the Poynting–Robertson drag, a force important in the motions of small particles closer to the Sun. His estimate of its size was in error by a numerical factor, but its nature was correctly identified.