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  1. La cornamusa (del francés cornemuse, formada de corne cuerno y muse, divertirse o vagar) [1] es un instrumento musical de viento de doble lengüeta cuyos orígenes se remontan al Imperio romano. Guarda similitud con el cromorno. Las gaitas forman parte de la familia de las cornamusas, pero no se limita a estas.

  2. › wiki › CornamuseCornamuse - Wikipedia

    The cornamuse is a double reed instrument dating from the Renaissance period. [1] . It is similar to the crumhorn in having a windcap over the reed and cylindrical bore. The only evidence for the cornamuse comes from a description and a few comments by Michael Praetorius in Syntagma musicum II, published in 1619.

  3. La cornemuse est un instrument de musique à vent et plus particulièrement à anches. Il en existe plus d'une centaine de types dans le monde. Sa répartition géographique correspond à l'Europe entière, au Caucase, au Maghreb, au golfe Persique et va jusqu'à l'Inde du Nord. Histoire. Joueur de musette en 1372.

  4. Other articles where cornemuse is discussed: bagpipe: The cornemuse of central France is distinguished by a tenor drone held in the chanter stock beside the chanter. Often bellows-blown and without bass drone, it is characteristically played with the hurdy-gurdy. The Italian zampogna is unique, with two chanters—one for each hand—arranged for playing in…

  5. The Center-France bagpipes (called in French cornemuse du centre or musette du centre) are of many different types, some mouth blown, some bellows blown; some names for these instruments include chevrette (which means "little goat," referring to the use of a goatskin for its bag), chabrette, chabretta, chabreta, cabreta, bodega, and ...

  6. La cornamusa (del francés cornemuse, formada de corne cuerno y muse, divertirse o vagar) es un instrumento musical de viento de doble lengüeta cuyos orígenes se remontan al Imperio romano. Guarda similitud con el cromorno. Las gaitas forman parte de la familia de las cornamusas, pero no se limita a éstas.

  7. › wiki › BohaBoha - Wikipedia

    Boha made in 2003. The boha (also known as the Cornemuse Landaise or bohaossac) is a type of bagpipe native to the Landes of Gascony in southwestern France. This bagpipe is notable in that it bears a greater resemblance to Eastern European bagpipes, particularly the contra-chanter bagpipes of the Pannonian Plain (e.g., the Hungarian ...