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  1. Un sistema semipresidencial o régimen semiparlamentario es, en política, el sistema de gobierno en el que existe un presidente junto con un primer ministro y un gabinete, siendo estos dos últimos responsables ante el órgano legislativo de un Estado.

  2. A semi-presidential republic, or dual executive republic, is a republic in which a president exists alongside a prime minister and a cabinet, with the latter two being responsible to the legislature of the state.

  3. 27 de mar. de 2019 · In eastern Europe and in the former Soviet republics, semi-presidentialism has emerged as the most common regime type with presently some twenty countries having semi-presidential constitutions. Although semi-presidentialism as a term has been around since the 1970s, the debate about its definition and what countries to be classified as semi ...

  4. The presidential system and the parliamentary system can also be blended into a semi-presidential system. Under such a system, executive power is shared by an elected head of state (a president) and a legislature-appointed head of government (a prime minister or premier).

  5. The politics of France take place with the framework of a semi-presidential system determined by the French Constitution of the French Fifth Republic. The nation declares itself to be an "indivisible, secular, democratic, and social Republic ". [1] .

  6. 28 de jun. de 2018 · Semi-presidential regimes include a popularly elected head of state and a legislature selected head of government. In semi-presidential regimes, both presidents and prime ministers wield political power. See Table 10.1 and Table 10.2.

  7. The semi-presidential system is a system of government where both the prime minister and the president run the day-to-day affairs of the state, but often the president has more powers than the prime minister.