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  1. A semi-presidential republic, or dual executive republic, is a republic in which a president exists alongside a prime minister and a cabinet, with the latter two being responsible to the legislature of the state.

  2. Un sistema semipresidencial o régimen semiparlamentario es, en política, el sistema de gobierno en el que existe un presidente junto con un primer ministro y un gabinete, siendo estos dos últimos responsables ante el órgano legislativo de un Estado.

  3. In eastern Europe and in the former Soviet republics, semi-presidentialism has emerged as the most common regime type with presently some twenty countries having semi-presidential constitutions. Although semi-presidentialism as a term has been around since the 1970s, the debate about its definition and what countries to be classified as semi ...

  4. Un sistema semipresidencial o régimen semiparlamentario es, en política, el sistema de gobierno en el que existe un presidente junto con un primer ministro y un gabinete, siendo estos dos últimos responsables ante el órgano legislativo de un Estado.

  5. Summarize the structure of semi-presidential regimes. Explain how semi-presidential regimes differ from presidential and parliamentary regimes. Outline the apparent connection between the various democratic regimes and freedom. A third type of system is semi-presidentialism.