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  1. Kaleva – also known as Kalevi or Kalev – and his sons are important heroic figures in Estonian, Finnish and Karelian mythology. In the Finnish epic the Kalevala, he is an ancient Finnish ruler. In Estonian mythology and Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald's epic poem Kalevipoeg, King Kalev was the father of King Kalevipoeg and the ...

  2. Kaleva es una villa ubicada en el condado de Manistee en el estado estadounidense de Míchigan. En el Censo de 2010 tenía una población de 470 habitantes y una densidad poblacional de 164,52 personas por km² .

  3. › wiki › KalevalaKalevala - Wikipedia

    Elias Lönnrot (9 April 1802 – 19 March 1884) was a physician, botanist, linguist, and poet. During the time he was compiling the Kalevala he was the district health officer based in Kajaani responsible for the whole Kainuu region in the eastern part of what was then the Grand Duchy of Finland. He was the son of Fredrik Johan Lönnrot, a ...

  4. El Kalevala es una epopeya finlandesa compilada por Elias Lönnrot en el siglo XIX a partir de fuentes folclóricas finlandesas, transmitidas oralmente de generación en generación, o a través de las recopilaciones de las narraciones populares hechas por los rapsodas, como son los casos de Arhippa Perttunen (1769-1840) y Ontrei Malinen (1780-1855),...

  5. Kalevala, Finnish national epic compiled from old Finnish ballads, lyrical songs, and incantations that were a part of Finnish oral tradition. The Kalevala was compiled by Elias Lönnrot, who published the folk material in two editions (32 cantos, 1835; enlarged into 50 cantos, 1849).

  6. Väinämöinen o Väino (escrito frecuentemente en castellano Vainamoinen) es un personaje mitológico finlandés descrito como un hombre anciano y sabio con una voz portentosa y mágica, que protagoniza la leyenda de Vainamonen el eterno cantor, explicación mitológica del origen del mundo y la raza humana.

  7. Kaleva or Kalevi and his sons are people or creatures in Finnish, Karelian and Estonian stories. However many things about them are forgotten. History. Estonian history. The name of Estonian national Epos Kalevipoeg means "Sons of Kalevi" and the name of Finnish national epos Kalevala means "Land of Kaleva".