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  1. › wiki › 1929年1929年 - Wikipedia

    1929年 (1929 ねん)は、 西暦 ( グレゴリオ暦 )による、 火曜日から始まる平年 。 昭和 4年。 他の紀年法. 干支 : 己巳. 日本 (月日は一致) 昭和 4年. 皇紀 2589年. 中国 (月日は一致) 中華民国 18年. 朝鮮. 檀紀 4262年. 主体 18年. 阮朝 ( ベトナム ) 保大 3年11月21日 - 保大4年12月1日. モンゴル人民共和国 (月日は一致) モンゴル人民共和国 19年. 仏滅紀元 :2471年 - 2472年. イスラム暦 :1347年7月19日 - 1348年7月29日. ユダヤ暦 :5689年4月19日 - 5690年3月29日. 修正ユリウス日 (MJD):25612 - 25976.

  2. › wiki › 19291929 - Wikipedia

    1929 ( MCMXXIX) was a common year starting on Tuesday of the Gregorian calendar, the 1929th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 929th year of the 2nd millennium, the 29th year of the 20th century, and the 10th and last year of the 1920s decade.

    • Background
    • Crash
    • Aftermath
    • Analysis
    • Effects
    • Academic Debate
    • See Also
    • Further Reading
    • External Links

    The "Roaring Twenties", the decade following World War I that led to the crash,was a time of wealth and excess. Building on post-war optimism, rural Americans migrated to the cities in vast numbers throughout the decade with hopes of finding a more prosperous life in the ever-growing expansion of America's industrial sector. Scholars believe that d...

    Selling intensified in mid-October. On October 24, "Black Thursday", the market lost 11% of its value at the opening bell on very heavy trading. The huge volume meant that the report of prices on the ticker tape in brokerage offices around the nation was hours late, and so investors had no idea what most stocks were trading for. Several leading Wal...

    In 1932, the Pecora Commission was established by the U.S. Senate to study the causes of the crash. The following year, the U.S. Congress passed the Glass–Steagall Act mandating a separation between commercial banks, which take deposits and extend loans, and investment banks, which underwrite, issue, and distribute stocks, bonds, and other securiti...

    The crash followed a speculative boom that had taken hold in the late 1920s. During the latter half of the 1920s, steel production, building construction, retail turnover, automobiles registered, and even railway receipts advanced from record to record. The combined net profits of 536 manufacturing and trading companies showed an increase, in the f...

    United States

    Together, the 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression formed the largest financial crisis of the 20th century. The panic of October 1929 has come to serve as a symbol of the economic contraction that gripped the world during the next decade.The falls in share prices on October 24 and 29, 1929 were practically instantaneous in all financial markets, except Japan. The Wall Street Crash had a major impact on the U.S. and world economy, and it has been the source of intense academic hist...


    The stock market crash of October 1929 led directly to the Great Depression in Europe. When stocks plummeted on the New York Stock Exchange, the world noticed immediately. Although financial leaders in the United Kingdom, as in the United States, vastly underestimated the extent of the crisis that ensued, it soon became clear that the world's economies were more interconnected than ever. The effects of the disruption to the global system of financing, trade, and production and the subsequent...

    There is a debate among economists and historians as to what role the crash played in subsequent economic, social, and political events. The Economist argued in a 1998 article that the Depression did not start with the stock market crash,nor was it clear at the time of the crash that a depression was starting. They asked, "Can a very serious Stock ...

    Axon, Gordon V. (1974). The Stock Market Crash of 1929. London: Mason & Lipscomb Publishers Inc. [ISBN missing]
    Bierman, Harold (2008). "The 1929 Stock Market Crash". In Whaples, Robert (ed.). EH.Net Encyclopedia. Santa Clara, California: Economic History Association. Retrieved February 2, 2017.
    Brooks, John (1969). Once in Golconda: A True Drama of Wall Street 1920–1938. New York: Harper & Row. ISBN 0393013758
    Cadorel, Jean‐Laurent (2024). "The 1929 crash of the New York stock exchange as a liquidity crisis". The Economic History Review.
    Media related to Wall Street Crash of 1929at Wikimedia Commons
    The Crash of 1929, American Experiencedocumentary
  3. 1929年 是一個 平年 ,第一天從 星期二 開始。 大事记. 1月17日 ——美國漫畫家 艾爾濟·席格 創作的漫畫人物 大力水手 第一次在漫畫《頂針戲園》中登場。 2月11日 —— 義大利王國 與 聖座 簽訂 拉特蘭條約 ,以解決「 羅馬問題 」。 2月16日 —— 国民政府 公布《 度量衡法 》。 3月15日 —— 中国国民党第三次全国代表大会 在 广州 召开。 3月27日 —— 蒋桂战争 爆发。 5月5日 —— 粤桂战争 爆发。 5月27日 —— 東省特別區 警察總管理處處長 米春霖 接到密報,指稱「蘇聯將在哈爾濱領事館召開遠東黨員大會」。

    • 19世纪 | 20世纪 | 21世纪
    • 2千纪
  4. › wiki › 昭和恐慌昭和恐慌 - Wikipedia

    昭和恐慌 (しょうわきょうこう)は、 1929年 ( 昭和 4年)10月に アメリカ合衆国 で起き世界中を巻き込んでいった 世界恐慌 の影響が 日本 にもおよび、翌 1930年 (昭和5年)から 1931年 (昭和6年)にかけて 日本経済 を 危機 的な状況に陥れた、 戦前 の日本における最も深刻な 恐慌 。 第一次世界大戦 による戦時バブル(= 日本の大戦景気 )の崩壊によって、 銀行 が抱えた 不良債権 が 金融 システムの悪化を招き、一時は収束するものの、その後の 金本位制 を目的とした緊縮的な 金融政策 によって、日本経済は深刻な デフレ 不況に陥った [1] 。 背景. 昭和恐慌の発端は、 第一次世界大戦 による戦時バブル(= 日本の大戦景気 )の崩壊にある [1] 。

  5. 大萧条 (英語: Great Depression ),又称 经济大危机 、 經濟大恐慌 ,是指1929年—1933年之間全球 經濟 大衰退、 第二次世界大战 前最严重的全球 經濟衰退 。 大萧条是二十世纪持续时间最长、影响最广、强度最大的经济衰退。 [1] 大萧条的开始时间,依各國而異,但绝大多数在1930年起,持续到30年代末,甚至是40年代末。 [2] 大萧条从美国开始,1929年10月24日股市下跌,到10月29日成为 1929年華爾街股災 ,席卷全世界。 大萧条对发达国家和发展中国家都带来毁灭打击,人均收入、税收、盈利、价格全面下挫,国际贸易锐减50%,美国失业率飙升到25%,有些国家甚至达到33%。 [3]

  6. Year 1929 (MCMXXIX) was a common year starting on Tuesday in the Gregorian calendar. By January 1 of this year, every state in the entire world had adopted the Gregorian calendar, having abandoned the Julian calendar. Events. February 20 – American Samoa becomes organized as a territory of the United States. July 16 – The first Oscar -event.