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  1. › wiki › TrumpetTrumpet - Wikipedia

    The trumpet is a brass instrument commonly used in classical and jazz ensembles. The trumpet group ranges from the piccolo trumpet —with the highest register in the brass family—to the bass trumpet, pitched one octave below the standard B ♭ or C trumpet.

  2. La trompeta es un instrumento musical de viento, que pertenece a la familia de los instrumentos de viento metal, fabricado en aleación de metal. El sonido se produce gracias a la vibración de los labios del intérprete en la parte denominada boquilla a partir de la columna del aire (flujo del aire).

  3. trumpet, brass wind musical instrument sounded by lip vibration against a cup mouthpiece. Ethnologists and ethnomusicologists use the word trumpet for any lip-vibrated instrument, whether of horn, conch, reed, or wood, with a horn or gourd bell, as well as for the Western brass instrument.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  4. The history of the trumpet: invention, evolution and famous makers. The trumpet has undergone one of the most significant makeovers of all musical instruments, transforming from valveless natural trumpets using harmonics to the versatile instrument used in classical and jazz music today.

  5. › en › TrumpetTrumpet - Wikiwand

    The trumpet is a brass instrument commonly used in classical and jazz ensembles. The trumpet group ranges from the piccolo trumpet—with the highest register in the brass family—to the bass trumpet, pitched one octave below the standard B♭ or C trumpet.