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  1. Alberto Fortis (Padua 1741– Bolonia 1803), fue un escritor, naturalista y cartógrafo. Su obra más conocida es Viaggio en Dalmazia ( Viaje por Dalmacia ), una obra de carácter romántico publicada originalmente en Venecia (1774).

  2. Alberto Fortis (Domodossola, 3 giugno 1955) è un cantautore, scrittore e poeta italiano. Musicista eclettico e polistrumentista, Fortis è considerato uno dei più importanti esponenti del cantautorato italiano.

  3. Alberto Fortis (born 3 June 1955 in Domodossola) is an Italian musician and songwriter. [1] Fortis, who released his first album Alberto Fortis in 1979, is the composer of both music and lyrics, and has directed the video clips for three of his songs. [1]

  4. Alberto Fortis is an Italian musician and songwriter. Fortis, who released his first album Alberto Fortis in 1979, is the composer of both music and lyrics, and has directed the video clips for three of his songs.

  5. Alberto Fortis [a] (1741–1803) was an Italian writer, naturalist and cartographer, citizen of Republic of Venice . Life. His real name was Giovanni Battista Fortis [1] (his religious name was Alberto [2]) and he was born in Padua on either 9 or 11 of November 1741. He journeyed extensively in Venetian Dalmatia.

  6. Viaggio in Dalmazia ("Journey to Dalmatia"), also known by its full title Viaggio in Dalmazia dell'abate Alberto Fortis ("Journey to Dalmatia by Abbot Alberto Fortis"), is a 1774 book by the Venetian writer Alberto Fortis, published in the city of Venice.

  7. Alberto Fortis (Domodossola, 3 giugno 1955) è un cantautore italiano, presente nel panorama musicale dal 1979. Trascorre l’infanzia e l’adolescenza nella sua città natale, Domodossola; terminati gli studi superiori si trasferisce a Genova per iscriversi alla facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia.