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  1. Tengri o Tengger (en turco antiguo: 𐱅𐰭𐰼𐰃;en mongol: Тенгери, Tengeri ;en chino: 腾 格里, en mandarín: Ténggélǐ; en turco: Gök Tanrı) es un Dios del cielo, anteriormente la principal deidad de los primitivos pueblos túrquicos, incluidos los xiongnu, los hunos y los xianbei .

  2. › wiki › TengriTengri - Wikipedia

    Tengri was the main god of the Turkic pantheon, controlling the celestial sphere. Tengri is considered to be similar to the Indo-European sky god, *Dyeus, and the structure of the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European religion is closer to that of the early Turks than to the religion of any people of Near Eastern or Mediterranean antiquity.

  3. › wiki › TengrismTengrism - Wikipedia

    Tengrism (also known as Tengriism, Tengerism, or Tengrianism) is a religion originating in the Eurasian steppes, based on shamanism and animism. It generally involves the titular sky god Tengri, [1] who is not considered a deity in the usual sense but a personification of the universe. [2] .

  4. El chamanismo mongol se basa principalmente en el culto a los diversos tngri (dioses) y a Tengger o Tengri (el gran dios celeste o «Dios»), también llamado a veces Qormusta Tengri (que a su vez suele identificarse con Ahura Mazda, la deidad celeste del zoroastrismo).