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  1. See also: Objects Help. You see a stonerefiner's skull. This object has no notes. No NPC sells this item.

  2. Their scaley skin is grey from their mineral & rock diet and their eyes are bloodshot red. It is said that these reptiles evolved from the water, you can see their bodies are still reminiscent of a fish - especially the tail and skull. They had to evolve to walk on land for access to better minerals, as well as to evade stronger predators.

  3. Go downstairs to enter an area with Stonerefiners. Even though they are easy to outran, it's a good idea to kill them because you'll need the Rare Earth they drop later in the quest. Walk northeast and enter the fiery room to encounter a Box (Quest), here. Open it to receive a Metal File. Now go south and take the first passage to the right.

  4. Stonerefiner's Skull It weighs 3.00 oz. Atributos: Item agrupável. Loot de: Stonerefiner. Adicionado: 11.50 (05 de dezembro de 2017). Mercado: Este item pode ser comercializado pelo Mercado. Notas: Nenhuma.

  5. in: Producto de criaturas, Items, Otros Items. Stonerefiner's Skull. Stonerefiner's Skull. It weights 3.00 oz. Loot de: Stonerefiner. Agrupable: Nota: Este ítem puede ser comercializado por el Market .

  6. Access to Stonerefiners in venore. Playing tibiaIncompleted quest, this is just to gain access to that zone.

  7. 22 de ene. de 2021 · Best answer. Skulls dropped by creatures: Black Skull - Dropped by: Death Priest Shargon, Flameborn, Floating Savant, Infernalist, Hellspawn. Cavebear Skull - Dropped by: Undead Cavebear. Diabolic Skull - Dropped by: Brachiodemon.

  8. 0-3 Poisonous Slime, 0-2 Rat Cheese, 0-5 Half-Digested Stones, Stonerefiner's Skull.

  9. Join our Tibian Discord channel (2k+ active users!) for Tibia discussions and to ask any Tibia-related questions! the way, I'm...

  10. Stonerefiner's Skull It weighs 3.00 oz. Atributos: Item agrupável. Loot de: Stonerefiner. Adicionado: 11.50 (05 de dezembro de 2017). Mercado: Este item pode ser comercializado pelo Mercado. Notas: Nenhuma. Valor médio: 100 gps. O valor médio do item pode não corresponder ao valor real praticado em um servidor específico.