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  1. El Gran Maestro (Grandmaster en el original inglés) es un personaje ficticio que aparece en los cómics estadounidenses publicados por Marvel Comics.

  2. En Dwi Gast is the ruler of Sakaar and a being with a fascination with gaming and manipulating lesser life-forms. Becoming stranded on the planet, he took the mantel of the flamboyant Grandmaster, establishing a dictatorship over its citizens and keeping them distracted with a series of battles...

  3. The Grandmaster (En Dwi Gast) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in The Avengers #69. [2] The Grandmaster is one of the ageless Elders of the Universe and has mastered most civilizations' games of skill and chance.

  4. The Grandmaster is an ancient Elder of the universe that uses his all-encompassing power to force Super Heroes and Villains from across dimensions into his deadly cosmic games. Read Profile.

  5. The Grandmaster is an immortal capable of manipulating cosmic energies for various effects. He is almost totally immune to disease, and can regenerate from virtually any injury or recover from being slain.

  6. El Gran Maestro es un personaje ficticio que aparece en los cómics estadounidenses publicados por Marvel Comics. El personaje apareció por primera vez en The Avengers # 69. Es uno de los eternos Primigenios del Universo sin edad y ha dominado la mayor parte de los juegos de azar y habilidad de casi todas las civilizaciones conocidas.

  7. The Grandmaster appears in Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet, voiced by John O'Hurley. The Grandmaster appears in Marvel Super Heroes 3D: The Grandmaster Challenge.

  8. The Grandmaster is an ancient Elder of the universe that uses his all-encompassing power to force Super Heroes and Villains from across dimensions into his deadly cosmic games.

  9. En Dwi Gast, also known as Grandmaster, was the leader of Sakaar who was killed by Ultron. In an alternate 2015, Ultron won against the Avengers and began wiping out life throughout the entire galaxy.

  10. En Dwi Gast, también conocido como El Gran Maestro es el gobernante de Sakaar y un apasionado por los juegos de azar, quien disfruta manipular a las formas de vida inferiores en la Contienda de Campeones.