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Find the key & BPM of any song for free using the Tunebat analyzer. Upload your music for quick results.
Estimates Key and BPM for any song for free. Processing time takes a few seconds. You can analyze multiple files at once.
Estima la clave y los BPM de cualquier canción de forma gratuita. El tiempo de procesamiento es de unos pocos segundos. Puede analizar varios archivos a la vez.
Find the BPM (tempo) and key of every song. Type a song, get a BPM. It's as simple as searching.
Easily find the key of a song by extracting it from a MP3 (mp3 to key) or any other audio file thanks our Online Song Key Finder. Drop your audio file(s) in the song analyzer below and instantly get the Key in which a song was composed by magic.
Spotify BPM Finder recommends songs with similar BPM to your favorite song. Find the perfect tempo and key for your music with our song BPM and key finder. Save time and avoid mismatched songs in your playlists!
Find key and BPM information for any song. Explore an extensive database of 70+ million tracks with data on release date, label, energy, happiness, and danceability. Discover DJ recommendations for harmonic mixing.
Encuentra la clave, BPM, volumen, energía, bailabilidad, popularidad y metadatos de más de 100 millones de pistas en Musicstax. Encuentre fácilmente el BPM de una canción y la clave de una canción.
Our song key and BPM finder checks music tracks and finds for you the key (vibe) and BPM (beats per minute). Musicians, DJs, and music lovers use it to understand songs before jamming or mixing. The tool figures out the key, like the vibe of the song, and calculates how fast the beats are going.
A song key finder & BPM finder is a tool that analyzes an audio file to determine the musical key, pitch and beats per minute of a song.