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  1. Butch Gilzean, born Cyrus Gold, was the loyal right-hand man of Fish Mooney and later (after some brainwashing) Oswald Cobblepot. After Fish's death, Butch continued to serve Oswald, until his brainwashing was removed by Theo and Tabitha Galavan. Butch betrayed Oswald and set up his own gang and...

  2. Solomon Grundy (nacido como Cyrus Gold y apodado como Butch Gilzean) era el astuto matón mano derecha que supo trabajar para Fish Mooney y Oswald Cobblepot hasta que los traicionó para hacerse con el control del crimen organizado de la ciudad.

  3. Butch Gilzean (born Cyrus Gold) was a former criminal, and was an experienced member of the Gotham City underworld crime system. He was a former right-hand man of Fish Mooney, but later came to be second-in-command under Oswald Cobblepot after being brainwashed by Victor Zsasz to do the latter's bidding.

  4. A finales del siglo XIX, un rico comerciante llamado Cyrus Gold es asesinado y su cuerpo se desecha en Slaughter Swamp, cerca de Gotham City. 6 Cincuenta años después, el cadáver es reanimado como una enorme figura desgarbada (compuesta en parte por la materia del pantano que se ha acumulado alrededor del cuerpo durante décadas) sin casi ningú...

  5. There are several individuals who claim kinship to Grundy's human alter ego, Cyrus Gold. None of them however are confirmed to be direct relations. It is known that Cyrus Gold was a married man at the time of his death in 1894 (or 1895 by some accounts).

  6. Uno de estos doctores reconoció a Butch como un conocido criminal de Gotham City, mientras el otro, revisando su historial, descubrió que el nombre del malhechor en realidad es Cyrus Gold.

  7. In the late 19th century, a wealthy merchant named Cyrus Gold is murdered and his body is disposed of in Slaughter Swamp, near Gotham City. Fifty years later, the corpse is reanimated as a huge shambling figure (composed partly of the swamp matter that has accumulated around the body over the decades) with almost no memory of its past life.