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  1. Hace 1 día · Name Mass (M J) Radius (R J) Period (days) Semi-major axis (AU) Temp. ()Discovery method Distance (ly) Host star mass (M ☉) Host star temp. (K) Remarks 2MASS J22362452+4751425 b

  2. 52 * 29 = 1508 2 * 33 = 66 The proposition of the fulcrum cycle was an attempt to address the 0,4 shortfall and also to interpret Bruce Gary's 2019 October-November- December data. Every 2.5 orbits (2.5 * 1574.4 = 3936), the fulcrum advances one calendar day, allowing the 1574 template to keep apace with Sacco's full 1574.4 orbit.

  3. Hace 1 día · 鷲崎健のヨルナイト×ヨルナイト. 『 鷲崎健のヨルナイト×ヨルナイト 』(わしざきたけしのヨルナイトヨルナイト)は、簡易動画付きの インターネットラジオ番組 。. 2016年 4月5日 から 超!A&G+ ・ ニコニコ生放送 で配信中。.

  4. Hace 6 horas · Mistrust and contempt increasingly threatened alliances. Germany shored up her ally Austria-Hungary, feeling herself “shackled to a corpse”, which Austria-Hungary saw Germany as her “secret enemy”. The Series ( Wikipedia) The First World War is a 10-part 2003 Channel 4 TV series based on the book of the same name by Oxford professor Hew ...

  5. › wiki › SafevîlerSafevîler - Vikipedi

    Hace 1 día · Özellikle Safevîler’de hassa asker topluluğuna verilen ad. [35] İlk olarak İlhanlılarda, daha sonra Akkoyunlu ve Karakoyunlu devletlerinde kullanılmıştır. [35] Safevilerde ise şah'ın kraliyet muhafızı olarak biliniyorlardı . Korçular teorik olarak Kızılbaş aşiretlerinden askere alındı ve maaşlarını devlet hazinesinden ...

  6. Hace 6 horas · palpites bets amanhã. O que é BMET e qual é apalpites bets amanhãimportância? BMET é a sigla para Biomedical Equipment Technician, o qual se 👏 refere a um especialista responsável pela instalação, manutenção e reparo de equipamentos médicospalpites bets amanhãpalpites bets amanhã hospitais, clínicas e outras instalações 👏 de saúde.

  7. Hace 1 día · Die Liste bekannter Gräzisten erfasst Personen, die für Gräzistik oder für Klassische Philologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Gräzistik habilitiert sind oder anderweitig wesentliche Beiträge zur Erforschung und Vermittlung der altgriechischen Sprache, Literatur und Kultur geleistet haben.