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  1. Hace 19 horas · During the reign of Queen Maria Theresa (1740–1780), daughter of Charles III, the Jews were expelled from Buda (1746), and the "toleration-tax" was imposed upon the Hungarian Jews. On September 1, 1749, the delegates of the Hungarian Jews, except those from Szatmár County, assembled at Pressburg and met a royal commission, which informed them that they would be expelled from the country if ...

  2. Hace 3 días · Ali Pasha, or Ali Pasha of Tepelena ( Albanian: Ali Tepelena; 1740 – January 24, 1822), commonly known as Ali Pasha of Ioannina, was an Albanian ruler who served as Ottoman pasha of the Pashalik of Yanina, a large part of western Rumelia. Under his rule, it acquired a high degree of autonomy and even managed to stay de facto independent.

  3. Hace 2 días · 1381/1382 – 3 May 1459 [64] (aged 76–78) Also king of Denmark and Norway as ruler of the Kalmar Union. Deposed in Sweden twice (1434–1435 and 1436); regained power until deposed in all three kingdoms in 1439. [62] [64] Regency of Charles Knutsson Bonde (later King Charles VIII; October 1438 – Autumn 1440) Christopher.

  4. Hace 4 días · Medieval Russian states around 1470, including Novgorod, Tver, Pskov, Ryazan, Rostov and Moscow. The history of Russia begins with the histories of the East Slavs. [1] [2] The traditional start date of specifically Russian history is the establishment of the Rus' state in the north in 862, ruled by Varangians.

  5. Hace 5 días · Alta Verapaz. Guatemala. 1544. La Serena. Región de Coquimbo. Chile. Originally founded as Villanueva de La Serena, the city was destroyed completely in a native uprising in 1549 and re-founded the same year as San Bartolomé de La Serena; its founding date is for this reason sometimes listed as 1549.

  6. Hace 2 días · Гравюра Ивана Соколова, 1740 В 1732 году Анна Иоанновна объявила, что трон наследует потомок по мужской линии её племянницы Елизаветы-Екатерины-Христины, дочери Екатерины Иоанновны , герцогини мекленбургской.

  7. Hace 5 días · Armada española. La Armada es la rama de las Fuerzas Armadas españolas encargada de la defensa de los intereses marítimos de España, mediante sus buques y unidades navales y la Infantería de Marina. Es una de las fuerzas navales en actividad más antiguas del mundo.