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  1. › wiki › 17741774 – Wikipédia

    Rok 1774 v oblastiach: Kultúra Hudba – Umenie – Literatúra Iné oblasti Veda. Zoznam vládcov: Predstavitelia štátov – Vedúce osobnosti. Udalosti ...

  2. › wiki › 17741774 - Wikipedia

    1774 (MDCCLXXIV) a fost un an obișnuit al calendarului gregorian, care a început într-o zi de vineri. Evenimente [ modificare | modificare sursă ] 21 iulie : Este semnat Tratatul de la Kuciuk-Kainargi (actualul Kainardja , în Bulgaria ) între Imperiul Rus și Imperiul Otoman , după înfrângerea otomanilor în Războiul din 1768-1774 .

  3. 1 August – Joseph Priestley, working independently at Bowood House, Wiltshire, isolates oxygen in the form of a gas. [7] 4 October – a highwayman robs Prime Minister Lord North near Chiswick. [8] 5 October–10 November – 1774 British general election. Lord North continues as prime minister.

  4. Construction. Enterprise was built at Deptford Royal Dockyard, England, launched in August 1774, and was commissioned in April 1775 under the command of Captain Sir Thomas Rich. During her construction she was also the subject of a pair of oil paintings by Joseph Marshall, simulating her ship model but actually drawn from her designs - these ...

  5. Починали. 30 март – Каролина фон Пфалц-Цвайбрюкен, ландграфиня на Хесен-Дармщат. 8 май – Хенри Бейкър, английски естестволог (р. 1698) 16 декември – Франсоа Кене, френски икономист, физиократ ...

  6. País de origen. Alemania. [ editar datos en Wikidata] El Retrato de José Nicolás de Azara es una pintura al óleo sobre tabla de chopo, de estilo neoclásico, realizada en 1774 por Anton Raphael Mengs, que forma parte desde 2012 de la colección del Museo del Prado . Aunque la institución poseía ya un amplio conjunto de pinturas del ...

  7. June 11 – Jews in Algier escape the attack of the Spanish army. July 21 – Russo-Turkish War, 1768-1774: Russia and the Ottoman Empire sign the Treaty of Kuchuk-Kainarji ending six years of war. The treaty does give Russia the right to intervene in Ottoman politics to protect its Christian subjects. September 5 – First Continental Congress ...