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  1. › wiki › 18661866 - Wikipedia

    1866 (MDCCCLXVI) a fost un an obișnuit al calendarului gregorian, care a început într-o zi de luni. Evenimente [ modificare | modificare sursă ] Locotenența Domnească conduce țara după abdicarea forțată a lui Alexandru Ioan Cuza și până la venirea Prințului Carol . 10 mai: Intrarea în București a Principelui Carol .

  2. La batalla de Langensalza fue librada el 27 de junio de 1866 en las cercanías de Bad Langensalza en la actual Alemania, entre el reino de Hanóver y el reino de Prusia. Los hanoverianos ganaron la batalla pero fueron después rodeados por un mayor y reforzado ejército prusiano e, incapaces de enlazar con sus aliados bávaros al sur, se rindieron.

  3. Springfield Model 1866 breech. The Springfield Model 1866 was the second iteration of the Allin-designed trapdoor breech-loading mechanism. Originally developed as a means of converting rifle muskets to breechloaders, the Allin modification ultimately became the basis for the definitive Springfield Model 1873, the first breech-loading rifle adopted by the United States War Department for ...

  4. Rafael Capó, compañado de Eduardo Pérez, Jaime Harris y José Aniceto Serrano, invade Venezuela por el Zulia, cuyo gobernante era Jorge Sutherland. Las tropas intentan tomar Maracaibo, pero son derrotadas y forzadas a retirarse. 26 de diciembre: Capó y sus tropas son emboscadas en la retirada. Capó acepta entregarse bajo condición de ser ...

  5. › wiki › 18661866 – Wikipédia

    18. október – Philipp Franz von Siebold, nemecký lekár a cestovateľ (* 1796) 1. december – George Everest, britský zememerač a prieskumník Indie (* 1790) 19. december – Michail Vasilievič Petraševskij, ruský mysliteľ, činiteľ oslobodzovacieho hnutia a vodca socialistického krúžku (* 1821) Kategórie: 1866. Roky.

  6. The Panic of 1866 was an international financial downturn that accompanied the failure of Overend, Gurney and Company in London, and the corso forzoso abandonment of the silver standard in Italy . In Britain, the economic impacts are held partially responsible for public agitation for political reform in the months leading up to the 1867 Reform ...

  7. Royal Aeronautical Society is formed as 'The Aeronautical Society of Great Britain' in London, the world's oldest such society. Auxiliary steamer SS London (1864) sinks in a storm in the Bay of Biscay on passage from Gravesend to Australia with the loss of 244 people and only 19 survivors. 11 May – London bank Overend, Gurney and Company ...