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  1. › wiki › 18771877 – Wikipedia

    Communautéitssäit; De Staminee; Hëllef; Rezent Ännerungen; Biller eroplueden; Säite fir ausgeloggt Benotzer Fir méi ze wëssen

  2. 9–19 July – All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club stages its first lawn tennis tournament at Wimbledon. [2] Spencer Gore becomes first gentlemen's singles champion (the final having been delayed by rain). 10 July – St. John Ambulance Association established in England. 12 July – Prison Act 1877 transfers responsibility for provision ...

  3. Independența României (1912 film) Războiul de Independență al României este numele folosit în istoriografia română pentru participarea Principatului României la Războiul Ruso-Turc din anii 1877–1878. În urma acestui război, țara și-a obținut independența față de Imperiul Otoman, alături de Serbia și Muntenegru.

  4. La guerra ruso-turca de 1877-1878, también conocida como la guerra de Oriente, tuvo sus orígenes en el objetivo del Imperio ruso de conseguir acceso al mar Mediterráneo y liberar del dominio otomano a los pueblos eslavos de los Balcanes. Las naciones balcánicas liberadas indirectamente por la acción rusa tras casi cuatrocientos años de ...

  5. March 2 – In the Compromise of 1877, the U.S. presidential election, 1876 is resolved with the selection of Rutherford B. Hayes as the winner, even though Samuel J. Tilden had won the popular vote on November 7, 1876. March 4 – Rutherford B. Hayes was sworn in as the 19th president of the United States, and William A. Wheeler sworn in as ...

  6. La guerra civil de 1876 a 1877, también conocida como la Guerra de las Escuelas; fue un conflicto interno de Colombia que tuvo un carácter político-religioso y fue la manifestación de los intereses del Partido Conservador Colombiano en oposición al Gobierno de la facción radical del Partido Liberal Colombiano .

  7. January 24 – Émile Zola 's L'Assommoir (sometimes translated as "The Dram Shop"), seventh in his novel sequence Les Rougon-Macquart, is first published in book format a few weeks after its serialisation ends in Le Bien public (Paris). It sells more than 50,000 copies by the end of the year. February 24 – March 17 – Robert Louis Stevenson ...