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  1. › wiki › 15411541 – Wikipédia

    1541 a tudományban 1541 az irodalomban Születések. El Greco, görög származású spanyol festő († 1614) március 25. – Francesco de’ Medici, Toscana nagyhercege († 1587) Halálozások. június 1. – Zárai Jeromos diplomata és katona, Buda ostroma közben hal meg (* ?) június 26.

  2. Into Temptation is an independent drama film written and directed by Patrick Coyle. It tells the story of a prostitute—played by Kristin Chenoweth (pictured) —who confesses to a Catholic priest ( Jeremy Sisto) that she plans to kill herself. The priest attempts to find her, and in doing so involves himself in the darker side of society.

  3. La bien conocida diskettera para el C64, la 1541 es una unidad de 5¼ pulgadas, simple lado y 170 kilobyte de capacidad. La 1541 es la sucesora de la Commodore 1540, creada para el VIC-20 . La unidad usa group coded recording (GCR, grabación codificada en grupo) y contiene un microprocesador MOS Technology 6502, actuando como controlador de ...

  4. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title.

  5. IEEE 1541-2002 is a standard issued in 2002 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) concerning the use of prefixes for binary multiples of units of measurement related to digital electronics and computing. IEEE 1541-2021 revises and supersedes IEEE 1541–2002, which is 'inactive'. [1]

  6. › wiki › 15411541 - Wikipedia

    1541 (MDXLI) a fost un an obișnuit al calendarului iulian, care a început într-o zi de luni. Evenimente [ modificare | modificare sursă ] Instaurarea suveranității otomane în Transilvania și, drept consecință, constituirea Principatului autonom al Transilvaniei .

  7. Commodore 1541. The Commodore 1541 (also known as the CBM 1541 and VIC-1541) is a floppy disk drive which was made by Commodore International for the Commodore 64 (C64), Commodore's most popular home computer. The best-known floppy disk drive for the C64, the 1541 is a single-sided 170- kilobyte drive for 5¼" disks.