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  1. The 1621 Panama earthquake, also known as the Panamá Viejo earthquake occurred between 16:30 and 16:45 (UTC−5) on 2 May. It is considered to be the first documented violent quake in the Isthmus of Panama, with the epicenter at Pedro Miguel Fault, with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VII ( Very strong ). The quake shook and partially ...

  2. The Geography of Claudius Ptolemy, written in Greek c. 150 AD, included the British Isles. Ptolemy included essentially the same main islands in the Britannias. He wrote around AD 150, although he used the now-lost work of Marinus of Tyre from about fifty years earlier.

  3. Estudió derecho bajo la tutela del jurisconsulto holandés Pedro de Greve (1621-1677), autor de Exercitaciones ad loca diiciliora Pandectarum, 1653,in-8.º y Disertationes ad Institutionum imperialium loca difficiliora, Nimega, 1668, in-12.º. Además, Noodt fue versado en la literatura latina.

  4. › wiki › 16211621 – Wikipedie

    1621 byl rok, který dle gregoriánského kalendáře započal pátkem. Události. leden – František z Ditrichštejna je jmenován gubernátorem a nejvyšším ...

  5. › wiki › IBM_1620IBM 1620 - Wikipedia

    IBM 1710, IBM 1720. IBM 1620 data processing machine with IBM 1627 plotter, on display at the 1962 Seattle World's Fair. The IBM 1620 was announced by IBM on October 21, 1959, [1] and marketed as an inexpensive scientific computer. [2] After a total production of about two thousand machines, it was withdrawn on November 19, 1970.

  6. › wiki › Olota_of_OtaOlota of Ota - Wikipedia

    Osolo (Son of Olofin Ogbodorigiefon of Oduduwa dynasty ) was a very powerful prince of Ile-Ife and he brought his beaded crown directly from Ile-Ife and he reigned in OTA as an OBA long before Akinsewa. Of a fact some Obas (Olotas) reigned in Ota from Osolo dynasty or generation before Akinsewa Ogbolu, who is also from Osolo's dynasty.

  7. Nicolas Caussin. Nicolas Caussin ( Troyes, 1583- París, 2 de julio de 1651) fue un religioso y teólogo francés. Miembro de la compañía de Jesús desde 1609, en 1637 fue aupado por el cardenal Richelieu al puesto de confesor del rey Luis XIII. Caído en desgracia poco después por causas desconocidas, fue desterrado a Quimper, en Bretaña ...