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  1. Se denomina Plan Schlieffen al concepto bélico propuesto a principios del siglo XX por Alfred Graf von Schlieffen, jefe del Estado Mayor del II Reich alemán, para la hipotética invasión y derrota por parte de Alemania de su gran rival occidental, Francia. Consistía en que ante esa situación a Alemania le convendría sacrificar en el este ...

  2. 阿尔弗雷德·冯·施利芬(德文:Alfred von Schlieffen;1833年2月28日—1913年1月4日),德意志帝国陆军元帅。德国总参谋部参谋长。资产阶级军事家和军事理论家。生于柏林。1861年毕业于军事学院。曾参加普奥战争和普法战争。1863年起在总参谋部任职。1891—1905年任总参谋长。1911年晋升为陆军元帅。经 ...

  3. Schlieffen Plan , Plan of attack used by the German armies at the outbreak of World War I. It was named after its developer, Count Alfred von Schlieffen (1833–1913), former chief of the German general staff. To meet the possibility of Germany’s facing a war against France in the west and Russia in the east, Schlieffen proposed that, instead ...

  4. 8 de jun. de 2023 · Germany’s difficult strategic situation had been evident since the early 1900s. With the German economy unlikely to last in a long war, Field Marshal Alfred von Schlieffen – Chief of Staff of the German Army - set out a new strategy aimed at a quick victory. It would become known as the Schlieffen plan.

  5. Alfred von Schlieffen (28. února 1833, Berlín – 4. ledna 1913, tamtéž) byl německý polní maršál a náčelník německého císařského generálního štábu. Je po něm pojmenovaný Schlieffenův plán .

  6. Alfred von Schlieffen was appointed chief of the Great General Staff of the Prussian army in 1891 and held the post until his retirement at the end of 1905. Schlieffen was an officer of considerable military skill, who might legitimately have aspired to rise to the top of his profession.

  7. In 1904 Moltke was made Quartermaster-General; in effect, Deputy Chief of the General Staff. In 1906, he became chief on the retirement of Alfred von Schlieffen. His appointment was controversial then and remains so today. The other likely candidates for the position were Hans Hartwig von Beseler, Karl von Bülow and Colmar Freiherr von der Goltz.