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  1. Vida, obra y algunos milagros de Alonzo Church. Este artículo está dedicado a Alonzo Church, que falleció en Agosto de 1995, tras una larga vida dedicada a la lógica. A él le debemos el cálculo lambda, la tesis que lleva su nombre y la solución al Entscheidungsproblem. Suyo es también Introduction to Mathematical Logic, vol.

  2. Alonzo Church. Filósofo y lógico norteamericano, nacido en Washington, en 1903, profesor emérito de la UCLA. Contribuciones suyas famosas son el teorema de Church y la tesis de Church-Turing. El primero trata de la indecidibilidad de lógicas o cálculos superiores al cálculode predicados de primer orden.

  3. 阿隆佐·邱奇 (Alonzo Church,1903年6月14日—1995年8月11日)是 美国 数学家 ,1936年发表 可计算函数 的第一份精确定义,对 算法 理论的系统发展做出巨大贡献。. 邱奇在 普林斯顿大学 受教并工作四十年,曾任数学与哲学教授。. 1967年迁往 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶 ...

  4. (Alonzo Church, 2020) Among those works include Church’s Theorem in which he looked at undecidability in first-order logic for variables, as well as many other contributions in the sciences. Dr. Church had a passion as well for symbolic logic which was at its infancy at the time, as an emerging field in mathematics.

  5. 1 de ene. de 2003 · The Church family was of considerable civic and academic distinc- tion; Church's great grandfather, also named Alonzo Church, was a professor of mathematics and later president from 1829 to 1859 of the college in Athens, GA, that became the University of Georgia.

  6. 阿隆佐·邱奇. 阿隆佐·邱奇 (Alonzo Church,1903年6月14日—1995年8月11日)是 美國 數學家 ,1936年發表 可計算函數 的第一份精確定義,對 算法 理論的系統發展做出巨大貢獻。. 邱奇在 普林斯頓大學 受教並工作四十年,曾任數學與哲學教授。. 1967年遷往 ...

  7. Alonzo Church. 1903-1995. American Mathematician. L ike his more famous pupil Alan Turing (1912-1954), Alonzo Church contributed significantly to the foundations of computer science. He is credited, along with Turing, with formulating a key principle concerning computer logic involving recursion, or the recurring repetition of a given operation.

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