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  1. Hace 4 días · An Anglo-Portuguese army under the Earl of Wellington defeated Marshal Auguste Marmont's French forces at Arapiles, south of Salamanca, Spain, during the Peninsular War. A Spanish division was also present but took no part in the battle.

  2. Hace 2 días · Napoleon sent Marshals Gouvion Saint Cyr and Auguste Marmont to support Vandamme's corps. With Vandamme in advance, Saint Cyr's and Marmont's corps brought up the rear. Vandamme caught up with Alexander Ivanovich Ostermann-Tolstoy's forces near the town of Kulm, eight kilometres northwest of Aussig (Ústí nad Labem, now in the Czech Republic).

    • 29-30 August 1813 [1]
    • Coalition victory
  3. 10 de jul. de 2024 · In 1804, the French General Auguste de Marmont established an army camp ( le Camp d'Utrecht) in this central location in the Batavian Republic, the present Netherlands, where over a period of several months he forged together various battalions into a large, well-trained army, capable of beating the British enemy should there be any repetition o...

  4. 17 de jul. de 2024 · Auguste de Marmont est né à Châtillon-sur-Seine, le 20 juillet 1774, il est mort en exil à Venise le 3 mars 1852. Il fut général à 24 ans, commandant d’armée, maréchal de France, il fut le plus jeune des maréchaux de l’Empire.

  5. Hace 6 días · Dana 20. srpnja 1774. rođen je Auguste Marmont, francuski vojskovođa i političar iz razdoblja Napoleonskih ratova. Rodio se u gradiću Châtillon-sur-Seine, u sjevernom dijelu Burgundije. Njegova je obitelj pripadala nižem plemstvu, a posjedovala je u spomenutom mjestu i dvorac.

  6. 8 de jul. de 2024 · Auguste Marmont has become infamous for betraying Napoleon in April 1814 by defecting to the Allies with the remnants of his corps, thus completely undermining Napoleon's position in his attempts to negotiate with the Allies and have his son become the new ruler of France : the Emperor was counting on the army being united behind him ...

  7. Pertempuran Salamanca (dalam bahasa Perancis dan Sepanyol dikenali sebagai Pertempuran Arapiles) berlaku pada 22 Julai 1812. Tentera Inggeris-Portugis di bawah Earl Wellington mengalahkan tentera Perancis Marshal Auguste Marmont di Arapiles, selatan Salamanca, Sepanyol, semasa Perang Semenanjung.