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  1. Béla Bartók. Béla Viktor János Bartók (n. 25 martie 1881, Sânnicolau Mare, Austro-Ungaria – d. 26 septembrie 1945, New York City, New York, SUA) a fost un compozitor și pianist maghiar, unul din reprezentanții de seamă ai muzicii moderne. Considerat cate odată cel mai important compozitor maghiar.

  2. A fából faragott királyfi, Sz.60 (Bartók, Béla) First Term at the Piano, Sz.53 (Bartók, Béla) For Children, Sz.42 (Bartók, Béla) H. 3 Hungarian Folksongs from Csík, Sz.35a (Bartók, Béla) 2 Hungarian Folksongs, Sz.33b (Bartók, Béla) 8 Hungarian Folksongs, Sz.64 (Bartók, Béla) 15 Hungarian Peasant Songs, Sz.71 (Bartók, Béla)

  3. Discovering The Great Composers - Béla Bartók. A reluctant revolutionary who tried to adapt the natural rhythms and phrasing of ancient Hungarian folksongs to mainstream classical music, or a subversive reactionary who all but brought the Western tradition to its knees? Whatever your opinion, there has never been another composer like Béla ...

  4. Béla Bartók. (born Nagyszentmiklós, Hungary 25 March 1881; died New York 26 September 1945) Born a proud Hungarian (though his birth town is now within the borders of Romania), Béla Bartók belongs to the extraordinary generation of modernist European composers who came to the fore at the beginning of the 20th century – which included ...

  5. A Béla egy hiánypótló, varázslatos kávéház, étterem és bár, az egyre nyüzsgőbb Bartókon. Csupa szív hely a barátainknak és azok barátainak, tehát mindenkinek!

  6. Béla Bartók (* 25. marec 1881, Nagyszentmiklós, Rakúsko-Uhorsko – † 26. september 1945, New York, New York, USA ), bol svetovo známy maďarský [1] hudobný skladateľ, jeden z najoriginálnejších a najprínosnejších predstaviteľov hudby 20. storočia. Svetový význam získal nielen ako skladateľ, ale zároveň ako výborný ...

  7. Béla Bartók, madžarski skladatelj, etnomuzikolog in pianist, * 25. marec 1881, Sânnicolau Mare, Romunija, † 26. september 1945, New York, ZDA . Bartók je poleg Zoltána Kodályja, Györgyja Ligetija in Franza Liszta eden najslavnejših skladateljev madžarskega rodu. Klavir se je učil pri svoji materi, prvo skladbo pa je skomponiral že ...

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