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  1. Oct. 20, 1587, Poggio, near Florence (aged 39) Bianca Capello (born 1548, Venice [Italy]—died Oct. 20, 1587, Poggio, near Florence) was a Venetian noblewoman, renowned for her beauty and intelligence, whose court intrigues were the scandal of her time. Against the will of her family, Bianca ran off and married a young Florentine named Pietro ...

  2. 31 de mar. de 2010 · In a letter to the portrayed lady, the late sixteenth-century grand duchess of Tuscany, Bianca Capello (1548–87), the portrait's owner wrote how, after having contemplated the painting for more than two hours after it was delivered to his house, he took the painting upstairs to the women. I quote from his letter:

  3. PAOLA IRENE GALLI MASTRODONATO BIANCA CAPPELLO Paola Irene Galli Mastrodonato insegna Lingua e Traduzione Inglese presso l’Università della Tuscia, Viterbo. Ha numerose pubblicazioni sul romanzo del Settecento e del periodo rivoluzionario; sul commediografo anglo canadese David Fennario; su Emilio Salgari e le problematiche post-coloniali.

  4. 8 de ene. de 2019 · Bianca Cappello è una figura affascinante della storia di Firenze e dei Medici. Donna di rara bellezza di viva intelligenza, fu prima amante e poi moglie del Granduca Francesco I. Sulla sua morte, così come su quella del suo nobile sposo, avvenute contemporaneamente e nello stesso luogo, aleggia la mano fratricida del cardinal Ferdinando, fratello minore di Francesco, divenuto poi Granduca ...

  5. 27 de sept. de 2023 · The beautiful Bianca Cappello (1548–87) would be the protagonist of one of the most contested, yet longest, love stories during the Medici dynasty. Born into a wealthy Venetian family, she eloped with a penniless Florentine bank clerk when she was 15 to escape the unhappy life caused by her stepmother. In November 1563, the young couple ...

  6. 14 de mar. de 2020 · Abstract. Una sera di ottobre di cinque secoli fa: il Granduca Francesco I de' Medici e la Granduchessa sua seconda moglie, la patrizia veneziana Bianca Cappello, muoiono in circostanze misteriose ...

  7. The Palazzo di Bianca Cappello boasts one of the most beautifully decorated facades in the whole of Florence, based on a technique that is known as sgraffito. The Palazzo del Mondragone, located in Via dei Banchi, at the corner with via del Giglio, is the place where Francesco de' Medici and Bianca Cappello met during a reception, and fell in love at first sight.