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  1. No debe confundirse con Neocalvinismo. Nuevo Calvinismo, llamados en el contexto anglo como Young, Restless, and Reformed Movement, es un nuevo movimiento religioso dentro del evangelicalismo conservador que implica una reinterpretación y regreso a la teología reformada Calvinista y confesional histórica de los siglos XVI y XVII , con ...

  2. O calvinismo (ás veces chamado tradición reformada, a fe reformada ou teoloxía reformada) é un sistema teolóxico protestante e un enfoque da vida cristiá que pon a énfase na autoridade de Deus sobre todas as cousas. [ 1] Esta vertente do cristianismo protestante é así nomeada en relación ao reformador relixioso francés do século XVI ...

  3. Calvinism: Jean Calvin: Baze Creștinism Augustin de Hipona Reforma Protestantă. Specific Învățătura lui Calvin Cele cinci Sola Cele cinci puncte ale calvinismului Principiul regulator de închinare Mărturisiri calviniste de credință. Influențe Théodore Beza Sinodul din Dort Puritanism Jonathan Edwards Teologii de la Princeton Karl ...

  4. Wikipedia articles on Calvinism-related topics are typically at or near the top of Google searches - so accurate, thorough, and - yes - comprehensive entries are imperative. This page and its subpages contain suggestions and it is hoped that this project will help to focus the efforts of other Wikipedians.

  5. Predestination (Calvinism) Predestination is a central belief in Calvinism. Calvinists believe that God picked those who he will save and bring with him to heaven before the world was created. They also believe that people who are not saved by God will go to hell. John Calvin thought people who were saved could never lose their salvation and ...

  6. Calvinism/Intro. Calvinism, also called Reformed Christianity, is a major branch of Protestantism that follows the theological tradition and forms of Christian practice set down by John Calvin and various other Reformation-era theologians. It emphasizes the sovereignty of God and the authority of the Bible . Calvinists broke from the Roman ...

  7. Hyper-Calvinism is a branch of Protestant theology that places strong emphasis on supralapsarianism, or salvation from eternity (God elects from before time), where the atonement of Christ was and is difficult for the non-elect to understand, where man has little to do with his salvation, there being nothing man can do to resist being saved, wherein evangelism was given lower emphasis as ...