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  1. 5 de mar. de 2014 · Robert Fitzroy, capitán del Beagle y pionero de la Meteorología. No es necesario extenderse mucho para resaltar la importancia histórica y científica del viaje que a bordo del «Beagle» realizó Charles Darwin entre 1831 y 1836. Lo que poca gente sabe es que el capitán del barco en el que viajó Darwin, Robert Fitzroy tiene una biografía ...

  2. Robert FitzRoy (Ampton Hall, 5 luglio 1805 – Londra, 30 aprile 1865) è stato un navigatore, esploratore e meteorologo britannico.Fu celebre per aver condotto, in qualità di comandante, il brigantino HMS Beagle nel viaggio in Patagonia e nello stretto di Magellano, trasportando come membro della spedizione scientifica il naturalista Charles Darwin, la cui esperienza fu la scintilla che ...

  3. Charles Fitzroy was a politican and army officer, who was appointed Ensign in the 1st Foot Guards in 1752, Captain in 1756 and Lieutenant-Colonel in 1758. He served in the Seven-Years War. He also held various household appointments including Groom of the Bedchamber to George II and George III (1760-2), Vice-Chamberlain to Queen Charlotte (1768-82) and Groom of the Stole to the Prince of Wales ...

  4. Referencias: Catalogue des tableaux anciens formant la collection de Monsieur L. Bloch à Vienne, 34 ; National Portrait Gallery (London) artwork ID: mw84914 ; identificador Art UK de una obra de arte: barbara-palmer-nee-villiers-duchess-of-cleveland-with-her-son-charles-fitzroy-as-madonna-and-child-157178

  5. Robert Fitzroy ingresó en la Armada inglesa en 1819. Como comandante del bergantín Beagle (1828), exploró las costas de América del Sur alrededor de la Patagonia y Tierra del Fuego (1828-1830). Robert Fitzroy. Fitzroy es especialmente recordado por una segunda expedición en la que llevó a bordo al joven Charles Darwin, futuro formulador ...

  6. › copy-of-about-1History | Grafton Regis

    A history of the village entitled Grafton Regis: the History of a Northamptonshire Village, edited by Charles FitzRoy and Keith Harry, was published in Cardiff in 2000 by the Merton Priory Press with the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund, South Northants Council, and Grafton’s White Hart public house. At the time the book became a surprise ...

  7. Spot Kimpton Fitzroy London from the street, and you’re bound to think you’re looking at a palace. The landmarked building, designed by architect Charles Fitzroy Doll in the late 19th century, is a true ode to terracotta, with turrets, arches, and life-size statues of British queens. It’s an impressive presence on Russell Square—one ...