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  1. English abstract. To Edward Charles Howard (1774-1816), a self-educated scientist without formal education in chemistry, we owe the (accidental) discovery of mercury fulminate, the finding that meteorites contain nickel and have a composition different from any material originated in the earth, and the design of the vacuum evaporator and other ...

  2. Carol Anderson is the Charles Howard Candler Professor of African American Studies at Emory University and author of White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide, a New York Times Bestseller, Washington Post Notable Book of 2016, and a National Book Critics Circle Award winner.

  3. Fue transferido durante un breve tiempo al Regimiento n.º 9 de Dragones, y el 21 de abril de 1719, regresó a la 2ª División de Guardias de a Pie como capitán de una de las compañías y como Teniente coronel en el ejército británico. 3 En el año 1725, Howard fue nombrado Teniente Gobernador de Carlisle y, en 1734, fue nombrado como el ...

  4. 查尔斯·霍华德·辛顿(Charles Howard Hinton,1853 年-1907 年 4 月 30 日)是一位英国数学家和科幻小说作家,作品名为《科学罗曼史》。他对更高维度感兴趣,尤其是第四维度。他因创造“ tesseract ”一词以及他在可视化高维几何的方法方面的工作而闻名。

  5. Search for: 'Charles Howard, 2nd Baron Howard of Effingham and 1st earl of Nottingham' in Oxford Reference ». (c. 1536–1624).Howard took advantage of his high birth to sustain a long and distinguished career. Anne Boleyn was his first cousin. He was a grandson of the 2nd duke of Norfolk, the hero of Flodden; he went on to serve Mary as lord ...

  6. Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham (1536 – 14 December 1624), known as Howard of Effingham, was an English statesman and Lord High Admiral under Elizabeth I and James I. He was commander of the English forces during the battles against the Spanish Armada and was chiefly responsible for the victory that saved England from invasion by the Spanish Empire. Few details of Charles Howard's ...

  7. Howard Charles ist der Sohn englischer und jamaikanischer Eltern. Er studierte von 2000 bis 2005 am Kingston-College in England. Später erhielt Leverhulme-Stipendium und besuchte er das Drama Centre London mit Abschluss des BTEC Level in Darstellender Kunst.

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