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  1. チャールズ・ジェームズ・フォックス. チャールズ・ジェームズ・フォックス 閣下 ( 英: Rt. Hon. Charles James Fox, PC 、 1749年 1月24日 - 1806年 9月13日 )は、 イギリス の 政治家 。. ホイッグ党 の政治家初代 ホランド男爵 ヘンリー・フォックス の次男。. 1768年 に ...

  2. Charles James Fox - Fox-North Coalition, Whig Politician, Statesman: Fox always had a liking for coalitions; on Feb. 14, 1783, he joined with his old enemy North to eject the new government and accomplished his object 10 days later. Defending an action that was undoubtedly unpopular and damaging to his reputation, Fox maintained that it was wise and candid to end the hostility between North ...

  3. 4 de jun. de 1992 · Charles James Fox was one of the most colourful figures in 18th-century politics. Notorious for the excesses of his private life, he was at the same time one of the leading politicians of his generation, dominating the Whig party and polite society. As the political rival of Pitt the Younger and the intellectual rival of Edmund Burke, his views ...

  4. Charles James Fox by Charles Turner, 1808. Charles James Fox was born on 24th January 1749, the 3rd son of Henry Fox, 1st Lord Holland and Lady Caroline Lennox, eldest daughter of the 2nd Duke of Richmond. As a child he was always very close to his father who over indulged him in everything. In fact the lack of discipline or moral upbringing ...

  5. Charles James Fox - Whig leader, Reforms, Diplomacy: Fox had a genius for friendship, and the secret of his political influence was the uncalculating generosity of his mind. His charm could overcome the hostility of even the most inveterate of his foes. As a statesman he had great and manifest failings. He was often governed by prejudice, and he was not a profound political thinker. Above all ...

  6. 4 de jun. de 1992 · After the end of the American War in 1783, London was faced by an ‘inundation’ of French visitors. 13 After 1789, the tide flowed the other way, carrying innumerable Foxites to Paris to join in the excitement of the Revolution. Fox himself thought seriously of going over.

  7. 查尔斯·詹姆士·福克斯(Charles James Fox,1749年1月24日-1806年9月13日),英国辉格党资深政治家,自18世纪后期至19世纪初年任下议院议员长达38年之久,是皮特担任首相期间的主要对手。父亲同为辉格党员的福克斯,年仅19岁的时候就已经打破议会规例晋身下院。他的早期言论及主张虽然倾向保守 ...