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  1. Hace 3 días · Nella foto Whistlejacket dell’artista britannico George Stubbs, dipinto nel 1762 e conservato alla National Gallery di Londra. Whistlejacket era un cavallo purosangue di proprietà di Charles Watson-Wentworth, secondo marchese di Rockingham, che vinse una corsa a York nel 1759 facendo guadagnare una considerevole somma al proprietario.

  2. Hace 21 horas · Unlocking the Enigma: A Journey Through the Life and Works of John Kennedy Toole. Updated: May 13, 2024. Dive into the enigmatic world of John Kennedy Toole, the genius behind "A Confederacy of Dunces." Test your knowledge of his mysterious life and masterful literature in this captivating quiz!

  3. Hace 4 días · 2nd October 2018. The new Wentworth Woodhouse team. Rotherham stately home team doubles. Wentworth Woodhouse Preservation Trust has doubled its team since taking on the mission of saving the Grade I listed Georgian mansion in Rotherham from decline.

  4. Hace 21 horas · 1 article publié par bernadette1couturier le May 13, 2024. Ce jour là. Un signe et le jour reste dans la mémoire des hommes. Sur ce site les jours s'enchaîneront mais pas forcément dans un ordre logique.

  5. Hace 21 horas · This is a list of heads of state and government who died in office. In general, hereditary office holders (kings, queens, emperors, emirs, and the like) and holders of offices where the normal term limit is life (popes, presidents for life, etc.) are excluded because, until recently, their death in office was the norm.

  6. Hace 5 días · Charles Watson-Wentworth. statesman. solon. Second Marquis of Rockingham. national leader. Add synonyms. Wiki content for Rockingham. Rockingham - Rockingham may refer to:

  7. Hace 1 día · 1782 – Charles Watson-Wentworth, brytyjski arystokrata, polityk, premier Wielkiej Brytanii (ur. 1730) 1784 – Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, niemiecki kompozytor (ur. 1710) 1821 – Jules Cesar van Loo, francuski malarz (ur. 1743) 1824 – Lachlan Macquarie, brytyjski generał, administrator kolonialny (ur. 1762) 1839: