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  1. › indexChristian Wolff: Bio

    Christian Wolff: Bio. Born in 1934 in Nice, France, has lived in the U.S. since 1941. Studied piano with Grete Sultan and briefly composition with John Cage. Associated with Cage, Morton Feldman, David Tudor and Earle Brown, then with Frederic Rzewski and Cornelius Cardew. Since 1952 associated with Merce Cunningham and his dance company.

  2. Christian Wolff y la Psicología de la Ilustración alemana. Javier Molina Círculo Latinoamericano de Fenomenología (Clafen) Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Recibido: 30 de mayo del 2010 /Aprobado: 10 de agosto del 2010. En el presente artículo se desarrollan algunas reflexiones acerca del filósofo Christian Wolff y sus ...

  3. Christian Wolff was a rationalistic school philosopher in the German Enlightenment. During the period between the death of Leibniz (1714) and the publication of Kant’s critical writings (1780s), Wolff was perhaps the most influential philosopher in Germany. There are many reasons for this, including Wolff’s voluminous writings in both ...

  4. Christian Wolff foi o mais importante filósofo alemão entre Leibniz e Kant. Popularizou o deísmo, Leibniz e Confúcio. Pelo seu intelectualismo, insistiu na ideia de que tudo pode ser provado, inclusive Deus e a imortalidade. Os pietistas opuseram-se fortemente às suas teorias e isto acabou levando Von Wolf a ser banido de Halle an der ...

  5. Christian Wolff. Filósofo alemán, representante de la tradición racionalista alemana originada en Leibniz, y máximo representante de la Aufklärung o ilustración alemana. Nació en Breslau, y estudió teología y filosofía en Jena. Fue profesor de filosofía y teología en la Universidad de Leipzig. Recomendado por Leibniz fue a Halle en ...

  6. 9 de jul. de 2019 · Introduction. Christian Wolff (Breslau 1679–Halle 1754) was the leading figure of German academic philosophy in the first half of the eighteenth century and one of the most systematic thinkers of all times. A philosopher, mathematician, and natural and experimental scientist, Wolff contributed to shaping the modern system of knowledge and ...

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