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  1. Circa Survive is an American rock band from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, that formed in 2004. The band, led and founded by Anthony Green , consists of former members from This Day Forward and Taken. Circa Survive quickly made a name for themselves in the indie music scene in little over two years with their 2005 debut album, Juturna , and second album, On Letting Go , released in 2007.

  2. Circa é unha palabra latina que significa ao redor ou cerca (podendo abreviarse como c., ca. ou cca. [ 1 ] ). Úsase fundamentalmente a súa abreviatura en bibliografía para describir diversas datas (normalmente de nacemento ou falecemento) ou datos que son incertos ou aproximados, polo que utilizar circa indica que a data ou valor é estimación aproximada.

  3. Circa Contemporary Circus (referred to as Circa) is an Australian contemporary circus company. Based in Brisbane, Australia, Circa produces circus productions drawing on acrobatics, movement, dance, music and theatre that tour in Australia and internationally. The company was established in 1987 and was initially named Rock n' Roll Circus.

  4. Circa (经常缩写为 c.、ca.、ca或cca. ,有时会用 斜体 以表明其为 拉丁文 ),意为“大约”,其字面意思是“周围”,一般是指一个日期。 它在 系谱学 以及历史学著述中被广泛采用,当大概知道日期的时候。

  5. › wiki › CircaCirca - Wikipedia

    Circa kan verwijzen naar: Een ander woord voor benadering, van bijvoorbeeld een grootheid. Circa (band), een Amerikaanse muziekgroep. Circa (district), een district in Peru. Bekijk alle artikelen waarvan de titel begint met Circa of met Circa in de titel . Dit is een doorverwijspagina, bedoeld om de verschillen in betekenis of gebruik van Circa ...