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  1. Hace 22 horas · General Raoul Le Mouton de Boisdeffre, architect of the military alliance with Russia. The Dreyfus affair occurred in the context of German annexation of Alsace and Moselle, an event that fed the most extreme nationalism. The traumatic defeat of France in 1870 seemed far away, but a vengeful spirit remained.

  2. Hace 22 horas · Primăria municipiului Constanța a transmis vineri, 26 aprilie, prin intermediul unui comunicat de presă, că șase clădiri emblematice din Constanței vor fi iluminate arhitectural timp de o lună. Este vorba despre Comandamentul Marinei Militare Constanța, Muzeul de Istorie Națională și Arheologie Constanța, Muzeul de Artă Populară Constanța, Muzeul de Artă Populară Constanța ...

  3. Hace 22 horas · A right-wing dictatorship, sometimes also referred to as a rightist dictatorship or right-wing authoritarianism, is an authoritarian or sometimes totalitarian regime following right-wing policies. Right-wing dictatorships are typically characterized by appeals to traditionalism, the protection of law and order and often the advocacy of ...