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  1. Tamar ( Georgian: თამარი) (died after 1161) was a daughter of David IV, King of Georgia, and queen consort of Shirvan as the wife of Arab Shirvanshah Manuchehr III, whom she married c. 1112. She became a nun at the monastery of Tigva in Georgia in widowhood.

  2. Saint; aka Davit IV `Agmashebebeli' BAGRATID; aka David II 'Aghmashenebeli' BAGRATUNI. HM George I's 18-Great Grandfather. Poss. HRE Ferdinand I's 12-Great Grandfather. HRE Charles VI's 19-Great Grandfather. Poss. U.S. President [WASHINGTON] 's 20-Great Grandfather. PM Churchill's 26-Great Grandfather.

  3. David IV de Geòrgia. (?, segle XII — ?, segle XIII) Rei de Geòrgia (1193-1207). Gendre de Jordi IV, governà amb energia i eficàcia. Rebutjà els atacs musulmans i s’apoderà d’algunes comarques de Trebisonda i Armènia. Obra. Matèria. Història.

  4. Antes de eso Imericia había sido una provincia occidental de Georgia y centro del reino antes de la reconquista de Tiflis en 1122 por David IV de Georgia. WikiMatrix En 1122, después de la feroz lucha que involucró a unos 60 000 georgianos frente unos 300 000 turcos, las tropas del rey David IV de Georgia entraron en Tiflis.

  5. David IV დავით IV King of Kings of Georgia King of Georgia Reign 1089–1125 Predecessor. EN. RU; DE; ES; FR; Remember this site;

  6. David IV, conegut com el Constructor (1073 - Tblisi, 24 de gener del 1125), fou rei de Geòrgia del 1089 al 1125. L'únic fill mascle del rei Jordi II [b] . Va ser el primer rei que es va independitzar del tot i va abandonar els títols romans d'Orient .

  7. 26 de ene. de 2011 · St. David IV the King of Georgia (Feast Day - January 26) DAVID IV, the greatest of the Georgian Kings, ascended the throne in 1088, at a time when Georgia had been utterly devastated by incursions of Seljuk Turks. King David was exceedingly devout and God-fearing. He would arise before daybreak to pray, and would always finish his activities ...