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  1. › wiki › De_jureDe jure – Wikipedia

    De jure (opphavleg skrive de iure) kjem av latin og tyder «av rett/i følgje lova». Skiljet de facto og de jure vert nytta når det er eit vesentleg skilje mellom den reint formelle rettstilstanden, og korleis det er i praksis.

  2. Ti De jure (iti Klasiko a Latin de iure) ket maysa a panangiyebkas a ti kaibuksilanna ket "maipanggep iti linteg", a maigiddiat iti de facto, a ti kaibuksilanna ket "maipanggep iti kinapudno". Dagiti termino ti de jure ken de facto ket inus-usar daitoy embes nga "iti linteg" ken "iti panagsanay", no adda ti mangipalpalawag kadagiti politikal wenno nainkalintegan a kasasaad.

  3. De facto and de jure states De facto map of control of the world, May 2019. Most sovereign states are both de jure and de facto (i.e., they exist both according to law and in practice). However, states which are only de jure are sometimes recognised as being the legitimate government of a territory over which they have no actual control.

  4. De jure. De jure es una locucion latina significant " per la lei " o " pel drech", principalament utilizada per de questions juridicas, governamentalas o tecnicas (talas coma las nòrmas), en oposicion a de facto, exprimís l'idèa d'imperatiu legal, a vegada d'imperatiu necessari. Per exemple, se un país es independent de jure, se pòt dire ...

  5. de jure. 29 idiomas. Catal ... Wikipedia tiene un artículo sobre de jure. Referencias y notas [editar] Obtenido de ...

  6. Racial segregation is most pronounced in housing. Although in the U.S. people of different races may work together, they are still very unlikely to live in integrated neighborhoods. This pattern differs only by degree in different metropolitan areas. [131] Residential segregation persists for a variety of reasons.

  7. Juan Jure. Juan Rubén Jure ( Río Cuarto, Córdoba, 26 de abril de 1968) es un político argentino perteneciente a la Unión Cívica Radical, ex intendente de la ciudad de Río Cuarto y actual Legislador Provincial.