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  1. Hace 11 horas · Monarchs of Bavaria Ducal Bavaria (also known as the "Old Stem duchy") Agilolfing dynasty. Around 548 the kings of the Franks placed the border region of Bavaria under the administration of a duke—possibly Frankish or possibly chosen from amongst the local leading families—who was supposed to act as a regional governor for the Frankish king.

  2. Hace 11 horas · Hello and welcome to the History of the Germans, Season 8, Episode 145 – How to make Friends and Influence People – The Luxemburgs become Kings of Bohemia. Henry, the new king of the Romans, just 30 years of age, tall and blond, every inch his forebearer the great Charlemagne had a one track mind. There was one thing he wanted and that was ...

  3. Hace 11 horas · In October 1813, the soldiers of one of Napoleon’s staunchest Allies, Saxony, defected en masse in the midst of battle at Leipzig. Almost immediately III German Army Corps was formed with these same soldiers as its nucleus and augmented with returning former prisoners of war, volunteers and militia.

  4. Hace 11 horas · Quality label "European School in Saxony" 2011. EFRE ... The Duke of Edinburgh. Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium, Seminarstr. 3, 01796 Pirna, Tel. 03501 781575.

  5. Hace 11 horas · The Age of Desolation, G.A. Stewart, 2010, Page 311. Here again we have a confirming quatrain of a sunken fleet and war throughout Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Note the line “when the hunger of the mule will be satiated”. This must apply to the line from Quatrain X-31, “the asses will also want Carmania (Iran)”.

  6. Hace 11 horas · 喬治四世(英語: George IV ,1762年8月12日—1830年6月26日),全名乔治·奥古斯都·弗雷德里克(英語: George Augustus Frederick ),1762年至1820年擔任威爾士親王,1811起因父王喬治三世患精神病而兼任攝政,1820年1月29日正式繼位為聯合王國國王和漢諾威國王,直至1830年6月26日駕崩。