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  1. 7 de ago. de 2016 · Emma Jung’s role in the growth of psychoanalysis – and her scandalous life with Carl – is revealed in this absorbing new biography Lucy Scholes Sun 7 Aug 2016 03.00 EDT Last modified on Wed ...

  2. ANIMUS ANIMA Animus e Anima.indd 1 E 16/07/20 17:10 Animus e Anima.indd 2 16/07/20 17:10 biblioteca junguiana de psicologia feminina Emma Jung ANIMUS ANIMA E Uma Introdução à Psicologia Analítica sobre os Arquétipos do Masculino e Feminino Inconscientes Tradução Dante Pignatari Animus e Anima.indd 3 16/07/20 17:10 Título do original: Animus and Anima.

  3. When Emma died Carl Jung carved a stone in her name, “She was the foundation of my house.”. He is also said to have cried “She was a queen! She was a queen!” (Sie war eine Königin! Sie war eine Königin!) while mourning for her. The inscription Jung put on Emma’s grave was “Oh vase, sign of devotion and obedience.”. Emma Jung and ...

  4. Emma Jung (nascida Emma Rauschenbach, 30 de Março de 1882 — 27 de Novembro de 1955) foi uma psicoterapeuta e autora suíça. Casou-se com Carl Gustav Jung , financiando e ajudando-o a tornar-se o psiquiatra proeminente e fundador da psicologia analítica ( psicologia junguiana ), tendo 5 filhos com ele.

  5. › en › Emma_JungEmma Jung - Wikiwand

    Emma Jung (born Emma Marie Rauschenbach, 30 March 1882 – 27 November 1955) was a Swiss Jungian analyst and author. She married Carl Jung, financing and helping him to become the prominent psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology, and together they had five children. She was his "intellectual editor" to the end of her life.

  6. 8 de nov. de 2016 · Emma Jung was clever, ambitious and immensely wealthy, one of the richest heiresses in Switzerland, when she met and fell in love with Carl Jung, a handsome but penniless medical student. She was only 17, too young to understand Carl's complex personality or conceive of the dramas that lay ahead.

  7. Emma Jung (z domu Rauschenbach, ur. 30 marca 1882 w Szafuzie, zm. 27 listopada 1955 w Zurychu ) – szwajcarska psychoanalityk, żona Carla Gustava Junga . Pochodziła ze starej i zamożnej rodziny szwajcarskich przemysłowców osiadłych w Szafuzie – to właśnie między innymi dzięki jej rodzinnemu majątkowi Carl Gustav Jung mógł oddawać się swoim badaniom.