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  1. 28 de jun. de 2021 · Röhm Purge. The Röhm Purge was the murder of the leadership of the SA (Storm Troopers), the Nazi paramilitary formation led by Ernst Röhm. The murders took place between June 30 and July 2, 1934. The ruling elites and ultimately Hitler saw the SA as a threat to their hold on power. The purge demonstrated the Nazi regime’s willingness to go ...

  2. › wiki › Ernst_RöhmErnst Röhm - Wikipedia

    Ernst Röhm werd geboren in München, Duitsland, als de jongste van drie kinderen (oudere zus en broer). Zijn vader, een spoorwegbeambte, werd omschreven als "een harde man". Hoewel de familie geen militaire traditie had, ging Röhm op 23 juli 1906 naar het Koninklijke Beierse 10e Infanterieregiment Prinz Ludwig in Ingolstadt als cadet.

  3. At Hitler’s request, the German parliament ( Reichstag) declares the killings legal after the fact, based on a false accusation that Röhm and his commanders had planned to overthrow the government. The assasinations of June 30–July 2, 1934, later became known as “the Röhm Affair” or the “the Night of the Long Knives.”. June 30 ...

  4. Ernst Julius Günther Röhm (alemão: [ɛʁnst ˈʁøːm]; 28 de novembro de 1887 – 1 de julho de 1934) foi um oficial militar alemão e um dos principais membros do Partido Nazista. Amigo próximo e antigo aliado de Adolf Hitler , Röhm foi o cofundador e líder da Sturmabteilung (SA), a ala paramilitar original do Partido Nazista, que desempenhou um papel significativo na ascensão de ...

  5. Ernst Röhm. fue un oficial del Ejército Alemán y, entre 1931 y 1934, comandante de la Sturmabteilung (SA). Debido a su condición de homosexual y tras sostener fuertes enfrentamientos con Hitler, en 1934 fue ejecutado durante la purga política llevada a cabo dentro del Partido Nazi, conocida como la Noche de los Cuchillos Largos .

  6. Ernst Julius Günther Röhm ( München, 28. studenog 1887. – München, 1. srpnja 1934. ), njemački nacionalsocijalist. Bio je bliski suradnik Adolfa Hitlera koji je najzaslužniji za stvaranje milijunske paravojne nacističke organizacije, SA odreda, zahvaljujući kojima su nacionalsocijalisti došli na vlast u Njemačkoj 1933. godine.

  7. 24 de dic. de 2018 · Ernst Röhm And The Nazi Party. Röhm joined the German Workers’ Party, later known as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, and which eventually morphed into the Nazi Party. Ernst Röhm felt the Weimar Republic — the ruling party — was weak. He felt that traditional political parties weren’t in touch with what Germans needed ...