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  1. 25 de jul. de 2013 · Derek Wilson. Little, Brown Book Group, Jul 25, 2013 - History - 288 pages. During the brief reign of the Queen Mary, Walsingham was a Protestant exile in Italy. Returning home when Elizabeth assumed the throne, from 1570 he became a diplomat to the arch-pragmatist Queen. He was often troubled by her inconsistent policy decisions and for ...

  2. Francis Walsingham (env. 1530 à Chislehurst , Kent - 6 avril 1590 ) est connu comme le « maître- espion » d' Élisabeth I re d' Angleterre dont il est également secrétaire d'État . Admirateur de Machiavel , il est connu pour son efficacité en tant qu'espion et sa capacité à susciter intrigues et fausses intrigues pour la cause de la sécurité de la Couronne anglaise.

  3. Sir Francis Walsingham’s official title was principal secretary to Queen Elizabeth I, but in fact this pious, tight-lipped Puritan was England’s first spymaster. A ruthless, fiercely loyal civil servant, Walsingham worked brilliantly behind the scenes to foil Elizabeth’s rival Mary Queen of Scots and outwit Catholic Spain and France, which had arrayed their forces behind her.

  4. Francis Walsingham è noto per essere stato uno dei maggiori diplomatici dell'epoca di Elisabetta I Tudor: a lui si deve una linea politica pervicacemente antispagnola [1], con la quale dimostrò di essere uno fra i primi a comprendere il potenziale della flotta inglese come strumento di potenza militare mondiale.

  5. Sir Francis Walsingham ( Chiselhurst, Kent, c. 1532 - Londres, 6 de abril de 1590) fue un político inglés, Secretario principal de la reina Isabel I de Inglaterra desde el 20 de diciembre de 1573 hasta su muerte y es recordado popularmente como su « maestro de espías ». Datos rápidos Sir Francis Walsingham, Información personal ...

  6. Francis Walsingham. Francis Walsingham (c. 1533 - 6 april 1590) was onder Elizabeth I van Engeland van 1570 tot 1573 de Engelse ambassadeur in Frankrijk en daarna haar 'principal secretary' (een voorloper van de huidige Secretary of State) tot aan zijn dood. Hij staat bekend als haar hoofd spionage . Walsingham onderhield als een van de eerste ...

  7. Sir Francis Walsingham. On this day in history, 6th April 1590, Sir Francis Walsingham died at about the age of 58. He was an incredibly important man during Elizabeth I’s reign being a statesman, private secretary, adviser, diplomat and spymaster, and he probably saved the Queen’s life many times by uncovering various plots against her.