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  1. Frederick II leading his Prussian troops against Russians at the Battle of Zorndorf during the Seven Years' War, August 25, 1758. The Seven Years’ War, on which he embarked thus soon became a life-and-death struggle. In 1757 France, Sweden, Russia, and many of the smaller German states joined the ranks of his opponents, while the Prussian ...

  2. How Frederick II (Frederick the Great, 1712–86) wanted to be seen after his first two wars, namely the First and Second Silesian War (1740–42 and 1744–45), is revealed in the 1746 painting by Antoine Pesnes. He is portrayed as a successful young ruler, general, and battle strategist. The King gave the painting, on the anniversary of the ...

  3. Frederick II - Papal Conflict, Italy, Hohenstaufen: Milan and five other cities held out, and in October 1238 he had to raise the siege of Brescia. In the same year the marriage of Frederick’s natural son Enzio with the Sardinian princess Adelasia and the designation of Enzio as king of Sardinia, in which the papacy claimed suzerainty, led to the final break with the pope.

  4. 8 de ago. de 2023 · Federico II de Prusia representa, quizá mejor que cualquier otro monarca, el modelo de rey ilustrado. Gran intérprete de flauta travesera, poeta notable, filósofo atento, erudito y amante de las letras, encarnó durante el siglo XVIII ese tipo de monarquía y de gobierno que tanto preconizaban los filósofos del Siglo de las Luces.

  5. Federico II de Prusia. Efectivamente, durante su largo reinado (1740-86), Federico el Grande se convirtió en uno de los exponentes del «despotismo ilustrado», introduciendo desde su posición de monarca absoluto algunas reformas inspiradas en el pensamiento de las Luces. Impulsó la codificación del derecho prusiano, reformándolo según el ...

  6. 3 de ago. de 2021 · Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, King of Sicily (1208–1250). Frederick II of Hohenstaufen was the second king of the Swabian dynasty to sit on the throne of Sicily. He was crowned in 1198, but, in consideration of his young age, he only ruled independently from 1208 to 1250 (the year of his death). He not only held the title of King of Sicily but also was the King of Germany (or of the Romans ...

  7. The eldest son of Frederick William I of Prussia and of Princess Sophie Dorothea of Hanover, Frederick II was born in Berlin on Jan. 24, 1712. His father was a hardworking, unimaginative soldier-king, with no outward pretensions and no time to waste on superfluous niceties. Even as an adolescent Frederick, with the tacit support of his mother ...

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