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  1. 17 de abr. de 2024 · Gábor Bethlen (born 1580—died Nov. 15, 1629, Gyulafehérvár, Transylvania [now Alba Iulia, Rom.]) was a Calvinist prince of Transylvania and briefly titular king of Hungary (August 1620 to December 1621), in opposition to the Catholic emperor Ferdinand II. Born into a leading Protestant family of northern Hungary, Bethlen as a young man was ...

  2. Gabriel Bethlen (n. cca. 1580, Ilia, judeţul Hunedoara - d. 15 noiembrie 1629, Aiud, judeţul Alba) (în limba maghiară Bethlen Gábor) a fost un principe de origine maghiară al Transilvaniei din secolul al XVII-lea. Biografie. Gabriel Bethlen s-a născut în localitatea Ilia din actualul judeţ Hunedoara.

  3. Potom Bethlen ešte dva razy (1623 – 1624 a 1626) začal výpravy na území dnešného Slovenska proti Ferdinandovi, v tomto čase ako spojenec protihabsburgskej protestantskej koalície. Prvá vojna sa skončila (1624) Viedenským mierom, druhá v roku 1626 Bratislavským mierom, ktoré oba v podstate potvrdili výsledky Mikulovského mieru ...

  4. Gabriel Bethlen (bĕth´lən), 1580–1629, prince of Transylvania (1613–29). He was chief adviser of Stephen Bocskay and was elected prince after the assassination of Gabriel Báthory . A Protestant, though tolerant toward all religions, he allied himself (1619) with the Protestant Frederick the Winter King and overran Hungary, of which he was elected king (1620).

  5. Gabriel Bethlen a fost principe al Transilvaniei între 1613-1629 și începând cu 1619 lider al mișcării antihabsburgice din estul și nordul Ungariei în contextul Războiului de Treizeci de ani, în care Transilvania s-a situat de partea puterilor oponente Sfântului Imperiu Romano-German.

  6. Gabriel Bethlen was Prince of Transylvania from 1613 to 1629 and Duke of Opole from 1622 to 1625. He was also King-elect of Hungary from 1620 to 1621, but he never took control of the whole kingdom. Bethlen, supported by the Ottomans, led his Calvinist principality against the Habsburgs and their Catholic allies.

  7. Gabriel Betlen (staršie po slovensky: Gabriel Bethlen alebo Gabriel Betlén; maď. Bethlen Gábor , nem. Gabriel Bethlen ; * 1580 , Ilia – † 15. november 1629 , Alba Iulia ) bol sedmohradským kniežaťom a vodcom povstania Gabriela Betlena v Kráľovskom Uhorsku na území dnešného Slovenska.